Pete Imagine: Doomed Dreamers Pt.4

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Pete sat in his hospital bed, nervously twiddling his thumbs, when your sister was brought in.

"She's agreed to listen to the news with you." The nurse said to Pete. He nodded his head and looked back at your sister. She looked stressed, conflicted, tired, and worried.

"How is (Y/N), is she gonna be okay?" Your sister asked. A doctor walked in, blood on the color of their scrubs. Pete took notice.

"(Y/N) came with a serious laceration to her abdomen. We took her up to surgery in an attempt to clear the internal bleeding. When we went in, her organs were crushed, some even shredded, and it was then that we knew nothing could save her." The doctor explained. Your sister let out a squeak before falling to the ground.

"What do you mean you couldn't save her?" Pete stuttered.

"Her was so unusable and unstable. We couldn't bring it back anymore every time she flatlined so we just had to let her go. I'm so sorry for your loss." The doctor left the room. Your sister just sat on the linoleum floors, tears silently streaming down her face.

"She told me she would call when she came home. She promised." She sniffled.

"I loved her...we were gonna have a family, just the two of us. Now she's gone." Pete mumbled. He laid back in bed, feeling sick to his stomach. He would never be able to live out his dream now.

Not without you.

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