Pref #35: Daddy FOB: Bath Time

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"No bath!" Declan cried. You sighed, running your fingers through your hair. 3 year old Declan was refusing to take his bath and you were not having it. Diana was sick, and having a sick child always diminished your patience.

"Dec, please, get in the tub." You begged.

"Uh-uh!" He refused, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Fine. You leave me no choice. I'm calling your father." You said squinting at your son.

"Patrick Martin Stump, come and get your son!" You yelled. Patrick walked into the bathroom as if he was in trouble.

"Yes beautiful wife?" He asked.

"Give your son a bath. Our daughter needs to at least try and eat something today."

"Now see, why'd you call Declan my son, but Diana our daughter?"

"Because he's being stubborn, therefore, not my son." You walked out of the bathroom, leaving Declan with Patrick.

"Alright buddy, what do I have to do to get you to take a bath?" Patrick smiled, picking up his son.

"Daddy bath too!" Declan cheered. Patrick sighed knowing this truly would be the only way to get his son in the bath.

"Alright fine. I guess we're doing this." Patrick muttered.

*20 Minutes Later*

You walked into the bathroom, checking to make sure Declan didn't drown Patrick in his own bath water. Imagine your surprise when you see Patrick splashing water with your son and laughing.

It was absolutely heart warming.

"Mama, I clean!" Declan grinned. You smiled and grabbed Declan's yellow ducky towel to wrap him in.

"Yeah, looks like you got daddy to take a bath with you too." You smirked, looking over at Patrick.

"The things I do for this family." Patrick sighed teasingly.

"And we love you for it." You said sincerely. You picked up Declan in the towel, walking towards the door.

"Oh, and Patrick?" You said before leaving. Patrick looked at you and the slight smile playing on your lips.

"Don't worry, you get a reward for being such a help to this family." You said mischievously, finally leaving the bathroom. Patrick just smiled and threw his head back.

"My life is great."


"There you go Ruby, all clean." You grinned, lifting your 2 year old daughter out of the bathtub. Ruby laughed and eagerly jumped into your warm embrace.

"Let's get you ready for your play date, mmkay love." You hummed happily, walking to Ruby's room. Today was going great. Joe was at the park with Zander and you were holding down the fort with Ruby. Suddenly, the door slammed open, shocking you.

"Zander, come on buddy, it's alright." Joe sighed. Zander marched right past you, eyes red with unshed tears and dirt caking his face and most of his body.

"Zander, what's wrong?" You frowned.

"I hate myself!" He choked out before slamming the door to the bathroom. Joe walked up the stairs and you turned to look at him.

"What the hell happened?" You asked.

"Uh oh." Ruby said softly.

"I'm not sure. I was talking with this other parent, took my eyes of Zander for about a minute, and then I heard him yell. He hasn't said a word since." Joe explained.

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