Pref #10: Daddy FOB: Dates

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A/N: I got the idea when reading overcastskeleton 's preference I Don't Dance. You guys should really read her imagine book if you don't.


Diana sat on the couch patiently, fiddling with her thumbs. Her brown hair was in a low bun at the back of her neck. She wore a maroon skater dress and matching lipstick.

"He's not coming, is he?" Patrick whispered in your ear and you both watched from the kitchen.

"I'm gonna fucking kill that kid." You grumbled.

"Not if I get to him first." You sighed and closed the kitchen door.

"Diana's first real date and the asshole stands her up! I really hoped that history wouldn't repeat itself." You ranted.

"You got stood up?" Patrick asked.

"It was this guy. We talked, or at least I thought it was talking, and he said we were gonna go and see a movie together. Week before he starts acting distant and we barely talk. Next thing I know he's watching you movie with some other hoe and I'm stuck on my couch crying my eyes out." You explained. Patrick frowned and hugged you.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N)." He apologized.

"Its whatever. I think it's clear that I win at life." There was a sound from the living room, making you and Patrick peer out of the kitchen door. Diana had stood up and was looking out of the window.

"Diana, what's up?" You asked softly. Diana turned to you, a weak smile on her face.

"Just checking to see if Grant's car pulled up yet. It probably broke down or something." She replied.

"Mi amor, are you sure you wouldn't wanna go out to dinner with your mom and I?" Patrick suggested.

"I like food." You nodded.

"The reservations are for two." Diana sighed. Patrick looked at you and signaled for you to give him some time with Diana.

"I'm gonna go check on Declan. He's probably waiting for his play date with Ruby." You excused your self. You left and Patrick sat next to his daughter.

"You look beautiful, you know that right?" Patrick smiled.

"I guess." Diana mumbled, looking at her hands folded on her lap. When she looked up, Patrick noticed the tears in her eyes.

"He's not coming is he?" Diana sniffled. Patrick pulled her into his arms and held her as she cried.

"He's a dick. You're much better off without him." Patrick stated.

"I feel so dumb! I literally took all this time getting ready even though I always had my doubts. Why does my heart make stupid decisions?" Diana frowned.

"Because you're a teenager. Your heart if always on something that is unknown to man. It does dumb shit." Diana laughed and wiped her eyes.

"I do look good though right?" She smiled.

"You look absolutely breathtaking!" Patrick exclaimed kissing her cheek. Just then the doorbell rang and Diana stood up quickly.

"Daddy, do you think that's him?" Diana asked.

"Open it and find out." Patrick suggested. Diana opened the door and was pleasantly surprised to see Ruby and Zander.

"Oh...hey Zand. What's up?" Diana smiled.

"I...uh...I'm dropping off Ruby for her play date with Declan. Truthfully, my parents just want me out the house." Zander said trying to sound cool. Diana giggled and nodded.

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