Pref #15: Going Public

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You and Patrick never exactly "went public". You just so happened to come to one of his concerts as a surprise. Tour had been long and hard for Patrick, he recently expressed that he missed aspects from Chicago. In hearing that, you decided to bring some Chicago to him. You brought his Bulls jersey and you.

When you waited for the band to come out, you had managed to push your way to the from of the barricade. You saw Patrick and the guys coming out. Patrick recognized you instantly and walked over to you, ignoring the screaming fans momentarily.

"Hi." He smiled.

"Hey." You smiled back. You held out Patrick's jersey but instead he pressed his lips to yours.

I guess it's safe to say that your relationship wasn't so secret after that.


You'd kind of always been there. You started off as Joe's best friend and that's how the fans knew you. You'd been in most pictures with him and everything had been normal. About a year and a half after you and Joe had started your friendship, you then switched over to relationship status. Everything was good and well as no one knew about your new relationship with Joe.

But all that changed when you both went out for dinner.

Dinner was great, but as you were leaving, some fan caught you and Joe kissing in the dark. When the pictures were all over the place the next day, no one was really surprised.

You and Joe were always the endgame.


He posted it on Instagram. You and Pete had been dating for nearly 7 months and it was great. Pete could really see himself being with you for a while and he was happy. In fact, he was so happy that he decided the whole world needed to know!

One day you were in Pete's kitchen, making him some soup while he was being a lil sicky. He caught a bad case of the flu and you came over to be his very own nurse (even though the roles had to be reversed a few days later as you caught his flu.). You stirred the post slowly while Pete peered over from the couch.

"You're so hot when you take care of me." Pete sniffled. You giggled and looked over your shoulder, a small smile one your face.

"I bet you say that to all the girls who come over and make you soup." You teased. Pete smiled and snapped the picture. Your eyes were shining with happiness and your smile was enough to leave anyone defenseless. I was a beautiful picture.

Pete posted it on Instagram with the caption:

Who needs a doctor when I got my very own nurse. Thanks for taking care of this "lil sicky" babe.


You and Andy never really went public. It was just up to the world to find out. You and Andy never did anything to hide your relationship. You'd walk in public holding hands. You'd go on dates and share affectionate glances. So imagine your surprise when it takes the world 5 months to deduce that you were dating the beautiful drummer boy of Fall Out Boy.

"Fall Out Boy drummer, Andy Hurley, has a new mystery woman." You read from the Internet, amusement clear in your tone.

"Hey Andy, they finally figured it out!" You called. Andy rounded the corner and walked to where you sat at the computer.

"They really figured it out? Finally?" He chuckled.

"Yup." You smiled.

"Wow only took them 5 months. Nice job paparazzi." You laughed and shoved Andy lightly.

"You sassy, vegan straightedge." You shucked.

"Your sassy, vegan straightedge." Andy corrected before connecting his lips to yours.

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