Joe Imagine: Inked In Skin

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A/N: added an OC that may appear in more than 1 Imagine. Her name is Samantha, also Sam or Sammy. She is a mix of African-American and Latina. Idk y but she just came to me in a dream. Enjoy.

You woke up to a pain in your head and back. You groaned as the bright light from outside assaulted your eyes. What the hell happened last night?

"Biiitttcccchhhh, you're finally up!" Your best friend, Samantha, squealed running into your room.

"Sammy please! The volume needs to go down." You pleaded.

"Listen first off, you are wild sis! 1 second I'm getting drinks, the next you got this guy all over you on the dance floor. I asked if you were alright and you winked, actually winked! Girl, you left and somehow dragged your walk of shame self home, drunk as hell!" Sam explained in a hushed voice as she struggled to not laugh. You groaned and held your head.

"Did I fall on my back or something? It is killing me." You complained. Sam's eyes got wide and this time she did giggle.

"I almost forgot the best part! You got a tattoo!" Sam laughed.

"What?!" You yelled, making yourself flinch. Sam sighed and handed you two Advil and a bottle of water.

"Take this, Hot Mess." She teased. You quickly swallowed the medication and water.

"Sam, I gotta see this tattoo." You pleaded.

"Be my guest. You came home mumbling about how you couldn't take off the bandage for three hours. It's been about 7." Sam shrugged. You ran to the bathroom and carefully tore off the bandage located on your lower back. You gasped at the heart with a name written in beautiful script.


Sam peered in the bathroom and started to laugh once again.

"(Y/N), I know you did not get a tramp stamp of this guy's name!" She cackled. But you did and it was there forever.

Who the hell is Joseph?

To be continued...

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