Patrick Imagine: There's Something About Patrick

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"Dean? Dean, there's someone on the line for you!" You called, walking out of your tiny office. A man stood in front of you a black leather jacket slung over his shoulder as a white V-neck and black skinny jeans adorned his frame. You cleared your throat and stood up straighter.

"Hi sir, how may I help you?" You asked.

"I'm here to pick up my car." The man said. You nodded and motioned for him to follow you to your box of an office.

"Full name and type of car?" You requested.

"Patrick Martian Stump and black 2014 Toyota Camry." Patrick smiled. You nodded and saw that it was ready.

"Please wait here sir." You smiled politely. As you walked off Patrick couldn't help but take notice of your black dress that made you look spectacular.

"Dean, I need he 2014 Camry. The guy is here to pick it up." You said. Dean rolled from under the car he was currently under, his hair skewed in different directions.

"The key is over on the corner. I gotta take to the guy about the car." Dean sighed, wiping the oil off his hands. He grabbed you by the chin softly and kissed you.

"Start locking up for me? After I'm done with this guy, we're going home." Dean said. You nodded and smiled watching your fiancé walk off. You started to put things away and lock up the garage.

"(Y/N)! Can you come here please and schedule in Patrick for another check up on the car in about 3 weeks?" Dean called.

"Be there in a second!" You replied. You walked to where Patrick and your fiancé stood and typed in the appointment on your computer.

"All done." You smiled. Patrick smiled at you and Dean, nodding slightly.

"That's you. I'll see you both in 3 weeks." Patrick said.

"Call anytime you want man, and tell Joe he's gotta let me work on his bike." Dean chuckled. Patrick laughed back and nodded.

"No doubt." Patrick them turned to you and his smile turned to a smirk.

"Have a good evening." He said before leaving.

What was that smirk about?

To be continued...

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