Patrick Imagine: She Was Your Best Friend

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You watched as he walked down the street with her.

She was your best friend.

Elisa was your best friend since pre-school. The two of you were practically sisters. You both went to the same college and roomed together. There had never been friends closer than you two.

Then you met Patrick.

He was everything you ever wanted and more. His hair, his eyes, his adorable cheeks, that smile, his voice, his personality, hell, even his hands! You loved everything about Patrick.

Apparently so did Elisa.

You still struggle to wrap your head around how it happened. You and Patrick had dated for 2 years. He met Elisa 3 months into the relationship and they became fast friends. You met his friends the following month. You couldn't possibly pick a favorite of his lovable band mates. Patrick proposed to you in December of 2011 and you got married in July 2012. Elisa was your maid of honor.

It was after Save Rock and Roll when things got rocky.

Patrick was touring, you had gotten pregnant, and Elisa was becoming distant. There was never more of a time when you needed a friend, but you had no one. You went through most of the pregnancy alone. Finally, Patrick came home and your daughter was born 2 months later: Diana Stump. Elisa is her godmother.

Then the fights started.

"Diana misses you! I miss you! Patrick please, let me be apart of your life! Let us be apart of your life." You begged. Patrick scoffed and looked away from you.

"You're being over dramatic (Y/N). It's work for gods sake! How do you think I'm able to allow you and Diana to live so nicely? Because I work!" He barked. This wasn't your Patrick. This was a stranger.

Then you caught him...with her.

You came home from work, picking up 2 year old Diana from daycare. You heard sounds from the living room.

"Patrick?" You asked. You walked in the living room and wanted to claw your own eyes out. Elisa, who hadn't been answering your calls or texts for months, was riding your husband like her life depended on it.

"(Y/N)!" Patrick gasped, but Elisa did not let up. She just turned her head to you and gave a sly smile.

That bitch...

You quickly left with Diana and walked back to your car. Putting Diana into her car seat, you got in the driver's side and pulled out your phone.

But there was no one to call.

You didn't wanna call any of the guys because they were Patrick's friends and you had none. Elisa was your best friend.

But that's over now.

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