Pete Imagine: I Knew You...Once Upon a Time Pt. 4

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You stood next to Tony, telling him the notes you took about the various guests that he needed to speak with and please for the company.

"(Y/N), why are all my parties mixed with business? Can I not just get drunk at one of my own parties?" Tony whined.

"When I'm not here sir, then you'll know it has nothing to do with business." You sighed.

"When does all this schmoozing take place?"

"In about 45 minutes. Fall Out Boy should be starting their set in 10 minutes."

"Be a doll and check that for me?" You groaned and looked back at the list of the other things you had to check on.

"It's funny how they don't consider slavery and being an assistant for you the same thing." You said bitterly.

"It's different because I pay you very well." Tony smiled, kissing your cheek. You walked over to the mini stage and saw a man with a fedora.

"Excuse me, Fall Out Boy singer? You name escapes me right now for some reason." You called. The man smiled at you shaking his head.

"It's Patrick. Is everything alright?" He replied.

"Mr. Stark wants to make sure everything is going according to schedule." You smiled.

"Of course angel, we wouldn't let you down. We're set to play right now if you need us to." Pete cut in walking over to you and Patrick. You chuckled and looked up at Pete.

"Glad to hear. I'm gonna get Mr. Stark now and he can introduce you guys." You said before leaving. You walked over to Tony and grabbed his arm softly.

"Fall Out Boy is ready to start. I need you to introduce them and kick off this party. Please don't mess this up Tony." You said.

"(Y/N), come on. Have a little faith in me." Tony smirked. He walked on to the stage, drawing the attention of every party goer, and took the mic.

"Hello everyone. I'm Tony Stark, but you already knew that. I just want to welcome everyone for attending and introduce this awesome little band by the name of Fall Out Boy. Kill it boys." Tony said before giving the mic to Pete. Pete looked at the crowd as the clapped and cheered.

"Hey everyone. It's an honor to be here playing for Tony Stark. Just a quick shout out to Tony and his amazing assistant, (Y/N), who worked so hard to make this party great. I know it's gonna be epic." Pete smiled. You blushed and held your clipboard closer to your chest as Dance Dance started to play. This man...

*1 Hour Later*

You said goodbye to another one of Tony's associates, when a hand was placed on your shoulder. You turned to see Pete raising his head sheepishly.


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" it time for dance one yet?" He asked, smile on his face. You couldn't help but laugh before looking around. Everything looked fine. No one would care if you actually took time to enjoy this party.

"I guess I can pencil you in now." You teased.

"Perfect, because I just requested a song." Pete winked. He led you near the balcony as a familiar song started playing.

"If You're Not The One by Daniel Bedingfield?" You questioned.

"A classic for someone as classic as you." Pete said swaying you lightly.

"You barely know me."

"I feel like I've known you forever."

Suddenly you pushed Pete away as a memory came to mind.


"You can't marry me. We've only been together for 7 months." You said.

"I don't see a problem with that statement." Pete said, down on one knee.

"You don't know me Pete. Not really."

"I feel like I've known you forever." You smiled and got down to Pete's level.

"Fine. Let's do it. Let's get married." You giggled, happiness suddenly taking over. Pete smiled and slipped the ring on your finger.

"I'm gonna love you all my life and every life after this one." He promised before kissing you.


You looked at Pete in shock.

"Who the hell are you?" You panted.

To be continued...

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