Patrick Imagine: Hundred

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A/N: This imagine may be a bit confusing so I'll start out with this. Italics is the fight and "~*~" is a new POV. This is loosely based on "Hundred" by the Fray.

Patrick stood in his apartment looking at the light and the dark.
The day and the night.
Everything and nothing.

It's all he could do after you left.

Do you love me?
I don't know.

He dropped his head, taking in a deep breath. You two had been together for a year and a half. Off of your friends and family were puzzled by the fact that you and Patrick still had not said I love you to each other. Patrick knew he loved you, but everyone's words...they just got to him.

So you don't love me?
I didn't say that.

Why couldn't you say the damn words? Why did he over react? He looked back at his apartment wall, wishing it wasn't there, but instead a window to where you were. He wanted nothing more than to see you.


You stood in the steamy shower, not reacting to the relatively hot water bouncing off of your skin. You focused on one water droplet, staying still on the wall as Patrick occupied your thoughts. Of course you loved least you think you did. He was more sure of his love for you, but you didn't know if you were ready to say I love you. I love you made it 100% more real. You were more somewhere around 86% between unsure and a hundred.

I can't say it if I'm not sure

You closed your eyes tightly, coming back to your body momentarily. Everything hurt. Your heart hurt, your chest hurt, and your eyes hurt from crying. What was the big deal about not saying I love you yet? You just weren't ready! Why couldn't Patrick understand that?

Patrick, I won't say it
Then leave.

Instead he kicked you out, breaking your heart as you fell. You wanted nothing more than to be with him. This was stupid.


Patrick thought the whole fight was stupid. Why did he care what other people thought? He shouldn't! Even if they are his friends. You're his girlfriend, the love of his life. Even if you weren't ready to say it, Patrick knows how you feel for him, deep down anyway. He grabbed his car keys and started to drive to your apartment, hoping you were there.

You don't care about me?
I didn't say that.


You walked out of the shower, a towel wrapped around your body as stray water droplets rolled off your skin. You put on some undergarments from your draw, blue, baggy sweatpants, and found a ratty old Blink-182 T-shirt that belonged to Patrick. He probably left it over here. You brought it to your face, relishing in Patrick's familiar scent. You missed him.

Patrick, please.
Just leave.


Patrick pulled up to the curb of your apartment and parked the car. He ran up the stairs to your room and knocked frantically, heart pounding so hard against his ribcage, he thought it might crack.

How could you do this to me?


You opened the door and saw Patrick, panting and staring at you like the only drop of water in the desert. Like you were his life.

Please don't do this.
You did this.


Patrick noticed his T-shirt clinging to parts of your damp skin. Your eyes were a little red and your lips parted slightly in shock.

Don't make this harder for us.
I need you.


You unconsciously licked your lips, thinking this couldn't be real. He would've said something if it was. You hoped the man in front of you wasn't a figment of your imagination, because that would kill you.

I need you
Then say you love me.


Patrick took a step closer to you and heart your breath hitch. He couldn't miss the delicate stutter of your pulse point and he yearned to feel your skin under his.

Say you love me.
I can't.


You opened your mouth to speak, but only a squeak would come out and your eyes filled with tears. He really was here.

Patrick, I care for you.
But you don't love me.


Patrick saw the tears in your eyes and couldn't help himself. One arm snaked its way around your waist, pulling you flush against his body, and the other hand cupped your cheek, bringing your lips to his.

You never loved me.
Stop it.


Your tears broke free in the kiss and you let Patrick's mouth get reacquainted with yours.

I care about you.
Just get out.


Patrick pulled out of the kiss first and was the first to speak.

"I don't care if you don't love me yet, that's where you are. I love you, and this is where I am. You don't have to be where I am yet. I'm perfectly fine with you being where you are." He said, his breath coming out warm and fast against your skin.

Just get out.


You couldn't bring yourself to speak so instead you crashed your lips back against Patrick's and blindly walked back to your bedroom.

I can't see you right now.


Patrick knew where this was heading and smiled. You may not be where he is now, but in the bedroom, through your actions, Patrick knew you were both on the same level. He pulled out of the kiss and put his lips to your ear, murmuring the last words he said before you left.

I love you


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