Joe Imagine: Where Did The Time Go?

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Joe remembers your face when the doctor said you lost the baby.

He remembers not seeing you for a whole month after.

He remembers your face once you had been cleared for the adoption of your 2 year old daughter, Riley.

He remembers the smile that wouldn't leave your face.

He remembers when you found out you were pregnant.

He remembers the 2 hour labor.

He remembers receiving his second child, Zander.

He remembers the birth of your third child and second daughter, Ruby.

Joe can remember all these events, but he just can't seem to remember how the years have passed so fast. Riley, in her last year of high school, Zander in his second, and Ruby in her first year of middle school.

These were his children and they were growing up with each blink of his eye.

Joe woke up in the wee hours of the morning one time and walked in the backyard. It was sort of chilly, but he didn't mind. The cold breeze just further grounded him.

"Joseph, come back to sleep." Your soft voice urged. Joe turned to see you in his black t-shirt and some light blue pajama pants. Joe just sighed and opened his arms. You walked into them with zero hesitation.

"What's got ya thinking, love?" You mumbled.

"Riley's applying to colleges, Zander's getting letters from colleges, and Ruby's gonna be there in high school in 3 short years. I can't even remember a time when they were young." Joe explained.

"It hurts, doesn't it? That fear that you missed out on your children's childhood, because it's almost like you can't remember it."

"You can relate?"

"Joe, almost every parent can. They just...grow up too fast." Joe groaned and looked up at the rising run.

"I feel so guilty! I was on tour for most of Zander and Riley's childhood. They must hate me for it." He worried.

"They don't. Trust me. These kids understand Joe. It's not that big a deal to them. Your their father, the rock star." You smiled.

"I want them to be kids again. Little kids who need me to read them stories and who make me laugh with the random things they say. I want Ruby to watch Disney movies with me again until she falls asleep on my lap, I want Zander to laugh as I make funny faces with him again, and I want Riley to run up to me in that ridiculous bunny costume and sit on my lap. I-I want her to cuddle into my chest and say 'I love you, daddy.' It can't be too much to ask." It was your turn to frown as you moved a curly lock of hair from Joe's face.

"I'm sorry handsome, but that is a little too much to ask. As much as I wish things would stay the same, our kids are growing up; with or without us." You sighed. Joe bit his lip before kissing your hand.

"Head back to bed, I'll take the kids to school today." He said. You kissed your husband on the lips, before pulling back with tears in your eyes.

"You're a good man, a good husband, and an even better father Joe." You sniffled before leaving.

*In The Car*

Ruby sat in the backseat with Zander next to her. Zander had in his headphones as he read his book for school. Ruby was looking out the window at the scenery. Riley sat in the front seat, texting away on her phone. Joe just looked straight ahead at the road as he drove his children to school.

"Any after school events I should know about?" Joe asked breaking the silence.

"Basketball practice 3:00-4:30." Riley answered.

"AV club 2:30-3:00 and then tech crew for the school play from 3:00-4:00." Zander yelled over his music.

"I'm making up a test. I should be done by 3:30." Ruby smiled.

"Okay, I'll pick you guys up." Joe nodded. He pulled in front of the middle school and Ruby smiled at him.

"Bye dad, I'll see you after school!" She said, jumping out of the car. Joe then pulled in front of the high school.

"Bye dad. I'll text you so you know when to come incase we run a little over time." Zander said leaving the car. Riley turned to Joe and hugged him.

"I love you daddy." She mumbled. Joe smiled softly and rubbed his daughters back.

"I love you too Riles. I'll see you later." He said. Riley left the car and walked into school.

Even if Joe couldn't remember how his kids could've possible grown up so rapidly, he knew that he taught them well.

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