Joe Imagine: Mr. Trohman

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You walked into the middle school building, looking around for your brother.

"Vince? Vince?!" You called. It was a nice day outside, and that gave you the chance to wear your black and red bandeau dress today (laundry day was a bit backed up).

You looked around one more time but instead saw a tallish attractive man walking in your direction. Maybe he'd seen Vince!

"Hey! Mr. Guy!" You called walking after him in your wedges. You tried so hard not to fall because you would be damned if today was the day you fell in them. The guy turned to you with an amused look on his face.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"Yeah! you work here?" You panted.

"Yes ma'am."

"Perfect. Have you seen or heard of my brother Vincent (L/N)? He's in the 8th grade."

"Vince? Yeah, I just finished subbing his social studies class."

"Would you have any idea where he is, because I'm on a tight schedule and I need him now." The man was about to reply when Vince came strolling over to you.

"Calm down (Y/N) and stop bothering Mr. Trohman. If I'm not accounted for for even a second you begin to panic." Vince chuckled.

"Not panicking, just running late." You scoffed. You smiled at the beautiful Mr. Trohman and outstretched your hand.

"Thank you Mr. Trohman for being so patient with me." You said gratefully. Mr. Trohman chuckled and took your hand.

"Call me Joe and it was no problem." He replied.

"Great. Now if you'll excuse us, I really should get going. I'm supposed to be going for a job interview." You said looking over at Vince who rolled his eyes.

"Job interview? How old are you?" Joe frowned.

"I'm 22. Completed collage recently."

"Nice. Vince, I'll see you tomorrow right?" Joe asked, directing the last part at Vince.

"Same time Mr. Trohman. See ya." Vince smiled before walking off with you.

"You make me sound like such a mom." You complained.

"Cause that's how you act. Besides you and Mr. Trohman were definitely flirting." Vince smirked.

"We were not!"

"Yeah okay, like I didn't see you guys fucking with your eyes."


"Whatever." You and Vince got into your car and you put the key in the ignition.

"Well, I'm taking you home now, because I'll be late for my interview if we stop for lunch." You sighed.

"But my Wendy's!" Vince whined.

"It's at the house okay. I always have your back." You drove Vince home and before letting him out, you turned to him.

" Mr. Trohman single?" You asked softly.

"Yup and he's 31. Right in your range." Vince chuckled.

"I love you annoying pain in the ass brother."

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