Andy Imagine: Kiss It Better

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You woke up sore as hell and groaned. You tried to stand out of bed, but instead dropped to the floor. That's when Andy woke up.

"(Y/N), what the hell? Are you doing the whole Andy's coming challenge again? I've been here all night!" Andy mumbled. He rolled over to see you laying on the floor, annoyance on your face.

"Oh shit, did you really fall?" Andy asked in realization.

"Yes you idiot! Help me up!" You frowned, your voice lacking malice. Andy helped you back into the bed and tucked you under the blanket.

"So what happened?" He asked.

"Basketball game yesterday. These tall chicks trucked me. I fell super hard on my knees." You recalled.

"Let me see." Andy pulled back your covered and rolled up your pants legs.

"Fuck, (Y/N) your knees are swollen." He gasped.

"No wonder they hurt like a bitch." You chuckled humorlessly. Andy frowned and kissed your knees.

"You gotta be more careful baby girl." He said. You smiled lightly and ran your fingers through Andy's hair.

"Next time I'll try just for you." You promised. Andy crawled up your body and pressed his lips to yours.

"That's not where my boo boo is." You teased. Andy bit your lip playfully before letting it go.

"Looks like a boo boo to me." He smirked, connecting his lips to yours again.

A/N: I bruised my knees in basketball...this is why I don't sport.

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