Joe Imagine: Fabian Used WHAT Finger??

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Little 7 year old Fabian Trohman sat in the principal's office, tears evident in his eyes. He swung his little legs back and forth as he waited for his parents. Joe ran in first with you trailing behind.

"My son! Listen kid, did they read you your rights? You don't have to say anything without a lawyer present." Joe said to Fabian, placing a hand on each shoulder.

"Fabian, what happened?" You asked.

"I can explain that to you Mr. & Mrs. Trohman." Principal Jacobs said greeting you and Joe. You took Fabian's hand as you all went to sit in the principal's main office.

"Now, Fabian is a good student and I wouldn't have called you here if I didn't believe this wasn't serious." Jacobs sighed.

"What's the problem sir?" You asked clutching on to both Joe and Fabian's hands.

"Well, today while the children were doing math, Fabian called over the attention of a fellow classmate and made an offensive gesture."

"Offensive gesture? I'm sorry but our son is too young to know any." Joe scoffed.

"My husband is right sir, we never use any fowl language or gestures around Fabian." You frowned, now stroking your son's hair to keep your hands busy.

"Well he's picked it up from somewhere." Principal Jacobs insisted.

"What gesture was it?" Joe asked.

"He stuck up the middle finger." You looked down at Fabian in shock.

"Fabes, is this true?" You asked slowly.

"Yeah mommy. I showed it to Gracie." Fabian sniffled, his eyes so big and sad. Fabian didn't like being in trouble.

"Why would you do that? You told me you thought Gracie was pretty." Joe pushed.

"Because I like her! You and mommy do it to each other a lot." Fabian responded.


"Later loser." You said picking up your car keys. Joe sat at the breakfast table with Fabian eating breakfast. Joe was reading the newspaper and, without looking up, flashed you the middle finger.

"I love you too." You giggled before leaving.


"Aww, is someone being a sore loser again? They don't call me the Mario Kart champion for nothing, baby girl!" Joe laughed in your face. Fabian sat on the couch reading his book, but occasionally peering up at you and Joe. You glared at your husband and gave him both middle fingers in silence. Joe just chuckled and took you in his arms.

"I love you too." He mumbled, kissing your cheek.

*End of Montage*

You and Joe looked at each other, eyes full of guilt.

"Sorry about that Mr. Jacobs." You chuckled sheepishly.

"See that it doesn't happen again please." Principal Jacobs groaned.

"Yes sir." Joe said, picking up Fabian. You two could not wait to leave the principal's office so you could finally laugh about the whole situation. 

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