Pete Imagine: I'm Not The Only One Pt. 2

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Previously on Fall Out Boy Imagines 4...

"Marry me." Pete said cutting you off. Your eyes went wide when a simple but elegant ring was shown to you.

"Pete..." You gasped.

"I know about Sebastian, but I love you. I love you and I want to give you everything. Let me pick up the slack and give you whatever he was giving you. I can be him and so much more." Pete begged. You looked from the ring to the desperate man now on one knee.

"Pete, I..."

Now on Fall Out Boy Imagines 4...

"Pete, I don't know what to say." You sighed.

"Say you'll marry me. Tell Sebastian it's over. We can leave and start a new life somewhere. We can start a family. Please, I'm not perfect and, hell, you're not either, but we're perfect together." Pete said.

"Peter, it's not that simple."

"Why? Why is it not that simple?"

"I'm pregnant...with Sebastian's baby." Pete froze momentarily, the gears turning in his head.

"That...that's okay. That's fine, we can fix that. Sebastian doesn't have to know. You can tell him it's mine and we'll leave. I'll love that kid like my own, I swear it." Pete argued. The tears started to pool in your eyes.

"I can't do that to him Pete. He's always wanted a family." You sniffled.

"What about me! That's all I wanted too. All I wanted was you!"

"You didn't even want to marry me! I went and found a man who did want to marry me. A man who actually loved me!"

"I LOVE YOU!" It got quiet and all that could be heard was your occasional sniffling.

"Besides, if Sebastian loved you so much, why did you stay? Why didn't you just leave?!" Pete scoffed.

"Because I still loved you, even if you didn't love me." You whispered.

"I do love you."

"Then why didn't you marry me? Every time I asked, you avoided the question, like you weren't looking for something serious. You didn't want me."

"I was scared okay! I was scared of messing everything up and losing you, but now I'm losing you to another man, so I decided that I have to suck it up and just throw caution to the wind."

"Oh Pete, I'm so confused."

"Why is that?"

"Because I love Sebastian too." Pete sighed and turned away from you.

"It seems that we are at an impasse." He stated.

"I won't leave him. Not when I'm carrying his child." You insisted.

"I won't let you leave, not when I still love you and you still love me."

"Pete, I think you know what we have to do."

"I'm not gonna be happy with it."

"I know." You gave Pete a hug and kissed his cheek.

"I'm sorry." You whispered leaving to go to Sebastian.

"I hope he treats you with all the love and respect you deserve." Pete choked out.

"He will." You said, closing the door, making this the last time Pete will ever see you.

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