Joe Imagine: Mr. Trohman Pt.2

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You stood by your car, nervously fixing your hair as you waited for Vince to come out of the school. Suddenly the school doors opened and a bunch a school children flooded you. You kept looking for Vince when you saw someone walk up to you.

"Hey bitch." Vince smiled.

"Watch your mouth you little shit." You smirked.

"That's so unfair."

"Shut up! Let's go home." Vince paused and plaster on a fake, cheesy smile.

"Well sister dearest, I need you to talk to Mr. Trohman." He said.

"What did you do?" You groaned.

"My fist just happen to be attracted to this kid's face. It wasn't my fault!" You sighed and dragged Vince into the school. You both walked to Mr. Trohman's classroom.

"Just show a little cleavage and I should be fine." Vince suggested. You glared at him before knocking while walking into the classroom. Joe had his glasses low on the bridge of his nose while he looked over papers. His curly hair was slightly disheveled in a sophisticated way. Joe quickly looked up once he noticed your presence.

"(Y/N), what a lovely surprise." He smiled, taking the classes completely off of his face. Joe stood up and walked around his desk.

"Hi um..." You trailed off, not exactly sure what to call him.

"Joe is fine."

"Yes, I'm here to talk about Vince's behavior." Joe's smile fell as he pulled up a chair across from his desk before sitting down.

"Yes...well, I know Vince is a good kid." Joe stated.

"He really is! It's just been hard since our parents went on a trip. It's just me and Vince." You explained.

"He's just so angry sometimes. I don't know what to do."

"Neither do I honestly." Joe sat in thought, chewing on that perfect bottom lip of his before looking up at you.

"If it's alright with you, I'd like to come over sometime and check on Vince. Maybe I can try to recreate his home environment to calm him down." Joe asked, looking at you with those blue eyes.

"That's fine with me. How does next week sound?" You blushed slightly.

"Great. I'm really hoping that we can get control of Vincent. I know he's a great kid and he's one of my favorite students."

"I hope we can control him too." You stood up to leave, but Joe's hand on your arm made you stop.

"(Y/N), if you don't mind, could I have your number to contact you? Other teachers use emails, but who really checks those things?" Joe asked. You nodded wordlessly and exchanged numbers.

"Have a great day." Joe said as you left.

"You too." You smiled. You walked out of the room and saw Vince waiting eagerly.

"Did it work?" He asked hopefully.

"You may not be in trouble here, but home is a whole different story." You threatened, walking off with Vince, secretly eager for next week's meeting with Mr. Trohman.

To be continued...

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