Patrick Imagine: Ordinary People

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You stood off away from everyone else, wearing a maroon floor length dress, nursing a glass of champagne.

"I take it this doesn't please you as much as it does others

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"I take it this doesn't please you as much as it does others." A smooth voice asked. You turned to see a man wearing a black tuxedo with a maroon tie.

"Charity is very pleasing to me, but all the schmoozing involved is what leaves me uninterested." You responded. The man smiled and outstretched a hand.

"Patrick Stump." He introduced.

"(Y/N) (L/N)." You smiled back, shaking his hand.

Little did you know the man in front of you would become one of the most important people in your life.

After your first encounter, you and Patrick had planned to meet up and chat some more in a more casual setting. When he showed up in his cute fedora and cardigan, you knew this was one relationship, platonic or not, you wouldn't regret.

After months of seeing Patrick, he had asked you on a date where you admittedly had a bit too much wine at dinner. This resulted in you throwing yourself at the unsuspecting singer. Patrick walked to to your door where you tried to get him inside. Instead, Patrick smiled and said something that, even in your drunken haze, will never forget.

"I want more than just a hook up from you (Y/N). I want a real relationship so, this time we'll take it slow." He smiled.

It was that night that you fell in love with the cuddly fedora man.

He got you flowers at least twice every month as a way to say I love you. Sometimes he's surprise you and pick you up at work, maybe because he missed you or maybe because he wanted a quick lunch date.

Patrick wasn't flashy, he wasn't extra, he was just ordinary and that's what you liked.


But in its own way, that's what made him so extraordinary to you.

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