Pete Imagine: Just When I Think I'm Out, He Drags Me In Again

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A/N: sort of follows the same story line to my earlier Pete Imagine: 1 week > 3 months. Enjoy.

"I'm so over him! It wasn't even like I was that into him to begin with!" You said proudly to your friends.

"Whatever you say (Y/N)." Elisa smirked.

"I mean it." You pouted.

"So, even though Pete is once again single, you're still not gonna do anything?" Marie asked.

"That is correct. I will do nothing." You confirmed.

"You sure?" Elisa asked one more time.

"Geeze, it's like you guys want me to have feelings for Pete." You frowned.

"He's a charming guy (Y/N) and you practically beg to be charmed." Marie shrugged.

"Nope, not anymore." You vowed.

*3 Weeks Later*

Three weeks. You had been three weeks without feelings for anybody. That was a pretty damn good record.

And then he showed up again.

"Hey (Y/N)." Pete smiled. You but your lip and mentally cursed yourself for missing your regular bus. The only bus left was the one that took Pete home.

"Hi Pete." You said politely.

"So, should I see you at bowling sign ups this year?" Pete asked hopefully.


"But you said you would!"

"Um, I said I'd think about it. I thought about it and decided against it." Pete put a slight smile on his face before tasering your sides with his fingers.

"Shit! What the hell man?" You gasped, jumping away from Pete's hands.

"Say you'll come to the meeting." He argued.

"Pete, I'm just no good at bowling, plus in super busy this year." You lied. Pete raised his hands and before you had time to react, his arms were around your waist and he held you to him.

"Pete!" You squeaked.

"You're not going anywhere until you at least say you'll reconsider." Pete bargained, tickling your sides, making you laugh hysterically.

"But Peter-" You giggled.

"No buts. Say you'll reconsider."

"F-Fine! I'll reconsider." You surrendered. Pete smiled and let you down softly.

"And that's all I wanted to hear." He said. The bus came and you both got on. When it got to Pete's stop, he turned and hugged you, taking you by surprise.

"See ya later (Y/N)." He said before leaving. You stood there a frown evident on your face. You took out you're notebook. You erased the number 21 and wrote 0.

"So much for 21 days feelings free." You grumbled.

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