Joe Imagine: We're So Miserable And Stunning

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You parked the car by the gas station that was fairly packed for a quiet Wednesday morning. You were traveling to see your sister and her new baby in Hartford, Connecticut. You were driving from Philidelphia, Pennsylvania. The crisp fall air kissed your bare hands as you moved to open the door. A bell rang and a older man looked at you from the counter. You gave a nod of your head before heading for the snacks. It was warmer inside the gas station than outside and you started to wish that you'd worn more than just a tank top under your hoodie. You found a bag of chips and drink before searching for candy. Just as you went to reach for a Hershey cookies n' cream bar, a hand met yours. You looked over to the stranger and got lost in his blue eyes. Jesus, who couldn't.

"I'm sorry." You both said at the same time. You chuckled lightly and scratched behind your ear awkwardly.

"Take this one and I'll get the next one." You stuttered.

"Thank you..." The man said, obviously waiting for your name.

"(Y/N), just call me (Y/N)." You smiled nervously.

"Nice name. I'm Joseph, but just call me Joe." The man grinned. He took a Hershey bar and passed you another.

"Thanks." You said.

"So, you look like your stocking up. Road trip?" Joe asked.

"Yeah. I'm just passing through."

"Bummer, I was hoping this wouldn't be the last time we could see each other." Joe's eyes held a mysterious glint in them and it gave you a burst of courage.

"It doesn't necessarily have to be." You smirked. You found yourself thinking, could this be the start of something new? Could Joe be the guy you've been waiting for all your life?

Then all hell broke loose.

To be continued...

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