Joe Imagine: We're So Miserable And Stunning Pt.3

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You scrambled over to Joe, looking for anything to stop the blood.

"There are...bandages and stuff in the other aisle." Joe said in quick gasps. You crawled to the next aisle and grabbed a few boxes of gauze and medical tape.

"Alright, I think I've seen enough Grey's Anatomy to do this." You mumbled to yourself. You removed Joe's hand and at once blood started gushing again.

"Oh god, I don't have anything to clean it with." You said.

"Screw that! Just put the gauze and shit on." Joe hissed. You quickly went to work on tightly wrapping Joe's leg. When you were done, the bleeding had slowed to a trickle and Joe was exhausted.

"I think I did it. I can't assure you it won't get infected." You stuttered, wiping your hands on your pants.

"Thank you." Joe panted. The man with the gun suddenly cursed loudly.

"Fuck! They brought the SWAT team." He yelled. He looked around the store before landing on you.

"Get up girl and get over here!" He ordered. You shakily stood up and walked over to him.

"You're gonna stand here and look sad for the people. Move an inch or even try to fight back and I'll put a bullet between your eyes." He growled. You nodded quickly and did as you were told.

"I've got hostages and if I don't have safe passage out of here in an hour, I'm gonna kill them all!" The man shouted opening the door the slightest bit. He then slammed it shut and shoved you.

"Get back to your aisle and sit their, quietly." He hissed. You ran back to Joe and took his hand in yours.

"We'll get out soon. They cops won't let him kill us." You whispered.

But what if an hour wasn't enough?

To be continued...

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