Pref #11: Upside Down

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Car's dyin',
Not a lot of money,
Scared to check my checkin' account,
I guess I'm walkin' for now,
But at least I'm finally gettin' exercise.

You trudged out of your house in the cold weather. Your car would choose the coldest day of the year to die, and on top of that, you barely had the money to pay for it.

So, until you could get the money, your feet were your way of transportation. In the negative 3 degree weather.

"I fucking hate my life." You mumbled, bitterly, as your nose turned red and began to run slightly. You walked as fast as you could, hoping to reach your job before you froze on the sidewalk. In walking fast, you suddenly didn't feel cold anymore.

Because burning hot coffee had been spilled down your jacket.

"Dammit!" You hissed. You looked up at the person who was gonna be the target of your rage, but quickly diffused when a pair of beautiful eyes met yours.

"Holy smokes! I'm so so sorry!" The man with beautiful eyes apologized profusely.

"Apology accepted." You sighed, the coffee no longer burning because of the cold temperature.

"Miss, are you sure you're okay? I can drive you to an hospital or something if you wanna get your burns checked out." Patrick asked.

"I'll be"

"Patrick! I'm Patrick and I'm really sorry." You smiled and shrugged, only slightly in pain.

"(Y/N)." You replied.

And the rest was history.


Well I could,
Focus on the hate,
Relive yesterday,
And block out all the sunshine.
Or I could,
Focus on my lane,
Just live for today,
Sights set on the bright side.

You sat on the couch thinking about something this dumb bitch in your grade had said about you yesterday. It was really stupid and inaccurate, but it still pissed you off.

"Hey beautiful." Joe smiled. You glared up at him.

"I'm not happy." You frowned. Joe mirrored your frown and sat across from you.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"This dumb bitch was talking wild shit! Like she was being ode reckless and it didn't even make sense." You ranted.

"So why do you care if it was inaccurate?"

"Because...I really don't know." Joe chuckled and took your hands in his.

"Focus on yourself and the present, beautiful. Just...look at the bright side!" Joe advised.

"And what is this bright side?" You asked.

"Me." Joe smirked before lightly tickling your sides, making you giggle.

"There's that smile." Joe grinned, making you roll your eyes in amusement.


Runnin' late and rushin',
Looked down for a second and slammed into a car in the lot,
But at least I'm getting outta work tonight,

"Yes, as the godmother to your child, I will be there for the birth!" You yelled at your best friend on the phone. You hung up and hopped on your crappy bike.

"Damn, I really need a car." You groaned. Your best friend had just gone into labor and you had to be there for the birth since her husband was running late. You started peddling as fast as you could. Your phone vibrated and as you peered down at it for a split second, your and your bike slammed into parked car and you hit your head, falling on the ground.

"Damn." You hissed, rubbing the sore spot on your head.

"Hey, you okay?" A voice asked. You turned to see a man holding a little boy in his arms.

"Oh geeze man, did I hit your car? My friend's going into labor and I gotta get to the hospital." You apologized, slowly getting up.

"We can drive you there if you want. You can see your friend then get your head checked out." The guy suggested.

"That sounds wonderful." You smiled in slight pain.

"I'm Pete by the way, and this is my son, Bronx." The man smiled back.

"(Y/N), and I don't think I'm going to work tonight." You replied, the smile never leaving your face.


Hey, I'm gonna make a smile out of that frown,
We could turn it upside down,
We could turn it upside down,

You laid in bed, frown on your face, as The Flash played on your tv.

"I have brownies!" Andy sang, walking into your room. You glared at him and he stopped.

"Damn girl. What's with the ice?" He asked. You pointed to your throat.

"You can't speak?"

You shook your head.

"Oh, well you don't have be mad about it. Like I said, I have brownies."

You gave him your best resting bitch face.

"You're a bitch." Andy laughed. His laugh was so adorable, it almost made you smile.

"Nope I saw that. You're trying to smile!" Andy gasped. You quickly fixed your face to a straight line.

"Nope. Come here and give me a kiss, because you're beautiful and you're worth it." Andy said. You smiled and started giggling softly.

"Yeah, that's your smile." Andy grinned before pressing his lips to yours.

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