Andy Imagine: Who's Dating Winona? Pt.2

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Andy waited outside of the school ready to surprise his daughter and to pick her up. Andy sat in the car, his fingers drumming on the steering wheel as he waited to win the bet. Winona walked outside of the school, a girl on her left talking to her.

"Damn." Andy mumbled. Looks like finding his daughter's boyfriend would be harder than he thought. Then something happened that Andy never thought he'd see.

His daughter turned to the girl she walked out with and placed a kiss right on her lips.

" maybe boyfriend wasn't the right term." Andy mumbled to himself in shock. Winona walked past the car before realizing it was her father.

"Oh hey dad! I didn't know you were picking me up." She smiled, climbing into the passenger seat.

"I-I...I just wanted to see my little girl." Andy stuttered. Winona grinned as Andy drove home.

As soon as they arrived in the house, Andy ran over to you in the kitchen.

"We both lost." He panted.

"Both lost what?" You frowned.

"The bet."

"Winona's not dating anyone?"

"Oh, she's dating someone."

"Andy, I'm a little lost now." Andy groaned and pulled you closer to him.

"Winona has a girlfriend." He whispered. Your face fell into one of surprise.

"Didn't see that one coming." You mumbled.

"Why wouldn't she tell us?" Andy frowned.

"Well on the bright side, we don't have to worry about her getting pregnant at 16." You smiled softly.


You and Andy knocked on Winona's door waiting for a reply. She opened the door a small smile on her face.

"What's up guys? I have jazz band soon." She asked.

"Can we talk?" You asked. Winona nodded, allowing the both you and Andy in her room.

"What is this about?" Winona frowned.

"Win, I saw you today at school...kissing that girl." Andy explained.

"'re disappointed in me?" Winona asked.

"No! Winona, we just want you to talk to us." You sighed.

"Oh, so you're okay with it?"

"We want you happy." Andy smiled. Winona smiled and hugged you and Andy.

"Thank you guys so much. Juliana is gonna be so happy!" She exclaimed. There was the sound of the car horn from outside and Winona stood up.

"There's my rude. I'll see you guys." She said before leaving.

"Bye sweetie!" Both you and Andy called.

"Okay, so that was surprisingly easy." You pointed out.

"So does that mean Winona is a lesbian or bisexual?" Andy frowned on thought.

"I don't know." You shrugged watching your daughter from the window. At least she was happy.

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