Pref #23: He Puts You In The Friendzone

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You stood in the store checking your phone. It's been an hour and a half and Patrick still hasn't found the right fedora. That man was lucky that you harbored such strong feelings for him or else you'd leave.

"(Y/N), I think I found it!" Patrick exclaimed. You smiled at his excitement and went to see what he'd found. Patrick stoop holding a black fedora that looked identical to one he already owned.

"Whatdya think?" Patrick asked.

"It looked like the same one you're wearing Patrick." You giggled lightly.

"I know! Isn't it perfect!"

"I guess." Patrick paid for the fedora and you both left the store.

"So why would you buy another fedora like the one you already have?" You asked finally.

"It's for Elisa. We've been friends for such a long time, and now I wanna show her how much she means to me. We'll be matching!" Patrick explained. Your face dropped slightly, but you picked it up quickly.

"Elisa is a...a lucky girl." You said truthfully. She's lucky she was able to capture the attention of Patrick Stump whereas you had been struggling to do so for so long.

She won.


[Text Conversation]

Joe: Hey, you alright? You were pretty quiet today.

You: I'm tired of being led on and played by boys. I'm the definition of "Waste My Time 2016"

Joe: You're not the only one being led on and played.

You: Who's playing you?

Joe: Marie.

You: Joey, you know you deserve better.

Joe: I'm just so lonely (Y/N), I'm tired of it.

You: You'll find someone who deserves you Joe. Maybe they're closer than you think?

Joe: You mean Gina from Bio? She constantly flirts with me.

[2 minute pause in conversation while you bang your head against your wall, since Joe is being a dumbass]

You: Joe, if you think Gina will make you happy go for it. You deserve happiness.

Joe: Thanks (Y/N). Don't worry. You'll find someone someday.

You: Someday

[End of conversation as you turn off your phone and go to read some Fanfiction to mend your wounded heart.]


You loved watching Saint and Bronx. The boys brought smiles to your faces on a daily. Another pro was being able to see Pete. You and Pete had been friends since high school. From then to now, you've had the biggest crush on Pete. It can't even be called a crush anymore because it's that big. You were in love with him. Every time you were about to tell him, Pete would get in a relationship or he wouldn't be in a good place. So you kept it to yourself feeling absolutely helpless.

"(Y/N), is it lunch time yet?" Bronx asked walked into the kitchen. You stood over the pot making spaghetti and meatballs while said sat across from you in a high chair.

"Just about Hun. About you wash up first and then it'll be ready when you come back." You smiled.

"Awesome. Thank you (Y/N)." Bronx ran off to the bathroom and when he came back, his plate of food was sitting at his seat. You then tackled the job of feeding Saint, the messy eater.

"(Y/N), am I glad to see you." Pete smiled, walking into the kitchen.

"Hey Pete, how was the studio?" You asked. It almost felt like you were his wife and this was also your family. Almost.

"It was amazing. As I was leaving, I bumped into this beautiful girl and we got coffee together. I'm not certain right now, but she shows a lot of promise." Pete said happily.

"O-oh. That's great Pete. I'm glad that you're...getting back out there." You lied through your teeth.

"Well Meagan left and she's not coming back, so I gotta move on right?"

"Right." Pete kissed your cheek and smiled at you.

"You're the best friend I could ever have. I wouldn't trade you for the work." He said before leaving. You sighed and looked at Saint.

"Why can't your dummy daddy see that I'm in love with him?" You mumbled.


He came in every morning and every evening. He would watch the instruments and records before leaving. It was a routine and it was like clockwork. Andy Hurley was a regular and your favorite at that. Working at the old music shop suddenly had its perks. He'd engage in conversations with you about your day, your life, and you did the same. One time he even took you out for lunch when you were on your break. No man or boy had ever treated you like Andy did. His actions caused you to develop a massive crush on him and led you to believe he had one on you as well.

One morning, Andy didn't show up.

You stood behind the counter, drinking your coffee, the bitter taste doing little to cheer you up. Where was your ray of sunshine named Andy Hurley? You hoped he wasn't sick.

Imagine when you saw him that evening...with a girl on his arm.

"(Y/N)! This is Sam, my girlfriend." Andy said waving at you. Sam waved back.

"Wow Andy, where have you been hiding her? Never even heard a peep about her." You said trying not to sound hurt.

"We've been on a few dates, but made things official today." Sam explained.

"Congrats." You said.

"Well I'm here to buy Sam her very own Michael Jackson vinyl." Andy smiled at Sam.

"Oh my gosh, Andy you remembered. That's the last vinyl I need for my collection." She gasped. You couldn't stand to hear the conversation any longer so you got the vinyl and ran them up in record time. Andy waved goodbye, but this time, you weren't even excited to see him tomorrow.

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