Pete Imagine: So Bad

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A/N: So...I was listening to So Bad, So Bad by James Maslow when this song cane on & I immediately started writing. This Imagine is sorta darkish and mostly sexual so you've been warned. Enjoy.

Pete watched her walk to him, his brain not knowing whether to fear her or worship her.

"Peter, what are you doing back again?" She asked, hips swaying in time to the beat of Pete's own heart before (Y/N) stopped in front of him.

"I-I had to see you." He stuttered. She smiled, arms snaking their way around Pete's neck.

"You just had to, huh?" She teased, her warm breath fanning against his ear.

"It's almost as if you're addicted to me, Peter." (Y/N) continued, her hands sliding down Pete's rigid body.

'Jesus, this woman is a sin, something like Lucifer.' Pete thought.

"(Y/N)...please no more teasing." Pete whimpered, his hands reaching up to grasp at the exposed skin of her torso. He needed something to ground himself. She pulled her face away from the warm skin of Pete's neck, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Oh Petey boy, you love the way I hurt you baby." (Y/N) grinned wolfishly. If Pete wasn't so flustered, he'd laugh at the way she just quoted one of his songs.

"So Pete, are you here for me tonight, or am I just wasting my time?" (Y/N) asked, a pout on those bright red lips. The loud music partnered with the flashing lights just sent Pete on a daze.

Why does he keep coming back?

What is it about her?

Why can't he leave?

Pete shut his eyes tightly and pulled out $600.

"T-This should cover you for the night, r-right?" Pete stuttered, always feeling out of his element with her around. (Y/N) smiled and took the folded up money.

"Oh Pete, honey, you know this gets me from night to dawn. Hell, I'll even do the whole pillow talk thing with you." She chuckled lightly. (Y/N), took Pete's hand in her own, guiding him to her room. He passed other girls dressed similarly to her. He'd never noticed them until now.

(Y/N) pushed Pete down on the bed, straddling his waist.

"Oh Peter, you're such a handsome and nice guy. Why is it you always come to me?" She purred.

'Because you're so bad and I love it.' Pete thought. Instead of answering, he crashed his lips on to (Y/N)'s, pulling off her shirt and unclasping her bra.

There's no time for talking now...


With a grunt of satisfaction, Pete collapsed next to (Y/N) on the bed. Her face was flushed as she panted heavily.

"Hey Pete, can I ask you something?" (Y/N) asked, turning to look at the brown eyed man who had been in her bed every night for the past two months.

"Hmm?" Pete hummed.

"Why do you really come back here every night?"

Pete stared up at the ceiling with the paint peeling. This brothel is truly a terrible place, but she gives life to the dark place. She makes it worth coming back to. The lively look in her eye that has never faded despite her hardships. He's hopeless because he's fallen for her, (Y/N) the prostitute he visits nightly. How cliché. Sighing, an answer finally comes to his head.

"The company's not so bad." Pete answered, his body turning to face (Y/N) and her soft, innocent (E/C) eyes.

One day he'll get her out of here.

He'll give her the life she deserve.

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