Pref #7: Divorce

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You and Patrick both looked at each other and then back to the children asleep in both of your arms; Diana in yours and Declan resting on Patrick.

"Did you think of them at all?" You asked quietly, tears streaming down your face.

"Afterwards, yes, I did." Patrick replied, stroking the blonde hair on the top of his son's head. His first son. His only son.

" told me I wouldn't have to worry about her." You mumbled.

"I thought you wouldn't have to worry about her either."


"But...she brought up old feelings. Feeling that I thought were long gone."

"They obviously were still here." Patrick looked up at your tear stained cheeks illuminated by the moonlight coming in from the bedroom window.

"(Y/N) I still love you." Patrick exhaled.

"You slept with Elisa." You whimpered, looking .

"But I-"

"You slept with her 5 times. Twice while I was carrying your son!" Patrick bit his lips and turned away from you.

"I regret my decisions everyday." He sniffled

"I'm not happy here Patrick. Living with the man who cheated on me...5 times?! It's not healthy." You cried softly.

"Whatever you decide to do I support you. I just want you happy (Y/N)." Patrick said turning back to you, hope in his eyes.

"I want a divorce." At that moment all the hope was drained from Patrick's eyes and was replaced with pure terror.

"But the kids?" He whimpered.

"We'll figure it out. I just...I need to do what's best for me along with the children. I think we need to give you time Patrick. You need to learn how to properly respect the things you have instead of searching for what you don't." You said. Diana shifted in your arms and you stood up with her.

"I'm gonna put Diana in her bed. You should do the same with Declan." You suggested walking off. Patrick sighed shakily, looking down at his sleeping son.

"Dammit. I-I'm so sorry Dec. I screwed everything up." He sniffled.


"Two hours! You lost her for two hours!" You yelled.

"She was here and then the next moment she wasn't." Joe defended. You furrowed your brows and smelled his shirt.

"You fucking idiot!" You scoffed, shoving Joe by the chest.

"You've been doing drugs again haven't you? Your hoodie reeks of weed!" You accused.

"It was just a little bit. I didn't think-" Joe rambled before you cut it off.

"Damn right you didn't think! What the hell Joseph? We're lucky Zander realized Ruby never came home and called the police. You are so irresponsible."

"I just needed to release some stress."

"You can release you stress, just not if it means endangering our daughter. What if Ruby had made it to the bad part of town. God knows what would have happened!" Joe had enough of the yelling and snapped.

"I know! I know, I know, I know! Jesus (Y/N), you're yelling at me like you've never screwed up before. Do I have to bring up that time when we found out that you are a shitty cook?" He shot back.

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