Joe Imagine: In(Ex)cluded

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You sat on the brown grungy couch that was occupied by two other people, desperately trying to inhale each other. The cup of an unknown substance was held in your hand just for decoration. The flashing lights were annoying, the music was too loud, and the room was too dark. You were only here because your boyfriend, Joe, was invited and he didn't want to leave you alone.

He wanted you to feel included.

The couple next to began invading your space as shirts flew off their bodies. You quickly stood up and walked to the kitchen. It was there you found your boyfriend cheering as his friend Pete chugged down beer can after beer can.

How could this be fun?

Joe locked eyes with you for a split second before you disappeared. You made your way outside and sat on the steps of the person's backyard.

It then dawned on you that you didn't even know who's house you were in.

"(Y/N)!" Joe called. You turned to his, face disinterested. Joe noticeably winced at your icy reaction.

"You okay?" He asked, sitting next to you.

"I don't know anyone in there." You mumbled, stubbornly refusing to meet Joe's impossibly blue eyes.

"You know me."

"And everyone knows you, meaning I'd have to interact with them too. Let's cut the bullshit Joe. I don't care for them and they don't care for me."

"I just wanted you to feel incl-"

"I'll never feel included! I don't like this crap Joseph! It's loud, the house smells of weed, and everyone is drunk off their asses! This isn't fun to me and I've never felt more excluded in my life!" You yelled, interrupting Joe and finally looking into his eyes.

"Baby girl, thats all you had to say. (Y/N), I'd never keep you in a situation you weren't comfortable in." Joe said softly, taking your hands in his.

"Then I'm the one keeping you from having fun."

"My idea of fun is being with you." A slight blush dusted your cheeks.

"Let's get out of here. We can go to my house and watch movies." Joe suggested, standing up.

"Can I pick?" You asked, standing with him.

"Darling, I insist you pick." You giggled and kissed Joe sweetly.

"Thank you Joey." You mumbled.

"Anything for my girl." Joe grinned.

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