Pete Imagine: Beautiful Captor

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Pete laid on the basement floor, right eye swollen shut, split lip slowly healing, and all his limbs were throbbing with pain.

But he didn't care.

You opened the basement door and walked down the stairs. Your black heels clicked all the way down the stairs. Pete almost didn't see you in your all black attire.

"Hey Petey? How are you doing today?" You asked softly.

"Fine." Pete croaked out. You smiled and kissed his cheek before dragging him to a chair. All his limbs screamed in protest as they were moved.

"That's good. I'm sorry for hurting you yesterday. I just...I got so mad. You know I love you, right?" You said. And there were the damned words. The words that made Pete forget everything you had done to him.


He loved you and believed that you loved him back. Unfortunately, that was an unlikely outcome. You were insane.

"Of course. I love you too." Pete said back in a hoarse voice. You smiled and blacked your lips to his in a searing kiss of passion. It stung Pete's lip but he didn't care.

He'd take any pain for you.

"Okay, I'm going out tonight. You're gonna be good right?" You asked sternly.

"Yes, my love." Pete answered back quickly. You smiled, kissed him once more, and walked back upstairs. Pete just watched, his body screaming in pain yet his heart screaming in love.

If only he could see that this isn't love...

A/N: One Shot writing prompt that a friend gave me. Send requests guys!

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