Joe Imagine: Mr. Trohman Pt.5

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*After The Dinner On Friday*

You laid in Joe's bed, staring at the ceiling in silence.

"I just screwed my younger brother's teacher." You said aloud.

"You did it twice and it was amazing by the way." Joe yawned, kissing your shoulder.

"This was our first date...and I threw myself at you. What is wrong with me?" You asked.

"Well, I feel like it was a good way to end the date. I'm pretty familiar with you now." Joe shrugged.

"I have to go." You stood up from the bed and quickly started getting dressed.


"I don't know what's wrong with me, I'm not usually like this. I don't usually...share the dessert on the first date." You said cutting Joe off. He sighed and sat up in bed.

"I'll see you on Monday for Parent Teacher conferences. I really hope you come." He said softly. You turned to him with tears in your eyes and nodded.

"Yeah, whatever." You left Joe's apartment and went back home quickly.

*Time Skip brought to you by Joe kicking himself for upsetting you all weekend.*

It was Monday and time for parent teacher conferences. You haven't seen Joe since Friday and you were admittedly scared to do so.

"Was he that bad?" Vince asked.

"Huh?" You asked, parking the car.

"Mr. Trohman, you look physically sick to your stomach to see him. I know you guys screwed so, I figured he's bad or something." Vince shrugged. You groaned and rubbed your temples.

"I didn't mean to." You sighed.

"It's fine (Y/N), just go to the conference. I'll wait here by the car." Vince said. You nodded and walked to Joe's classroom. You wore blue jeans and a zip up hoodie, looking like you just came from lounging in your house (which you did). You opened the door and saw Joe sitting there, those iconic glasses perched on his nose.

"Miss (L/N), please sit." Joe said. You complied and placed your hands on your lap.

"So, Vince shows a great amount of promise once he applies himself to his classes. I know he can do great things." Joe explained.

"He's a really smart kid." You agreed.

"Just like his sister." Joe frowned. You looked at him in confusion.

"(Y/N), I'm not an idiot and neither are you. We are two consenting adults. I don't understand why you left like you did." Joe sighed.

"I...I never...It was my first time in a really long time and it felt so soon. I didn't want you to get the wrong idea about me." You confessed.

"You could've told me if you wanted us to slow down! I really, really like you (Y/N). I want things to work between us."

"Even though I'm younger than you?"

"I don't care about age. We're both adults and can make our own decisions. I've decided that I want you." You smiled slightly at Joe's words and nodded.

"So you don't think I'm easy?" You asked.

"I don't. Now, back to Vince, I'd like for him to attend extra help more. I'm here everyday after school to help him. I really want to see him succeed." Joe smiled back. You nodded and stood as Joe did.

"Thank you, Mr. Trohman." You smiled outstretching a hand. Joe looked down at you hand and laughed. He pulled you into his arms and connected his lips to yours. When he pulled back, he had a breathtaking smile on his face.

"No, thank you, Miss (L/N)." He said. You left and walked out the classroom and to your car. Vince was leaning against the car, smirking.

"You look happy. Does this mean I'm passing?" He asked.

"Nope, just means your going to extra help everyday now." You snickered. Vince's jaw dropped as he glared at you.

"I told you to screw him, not get attached!" He complained.

"Too late." You sighed dreamily.

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