Joe Imagine: Pleasant Change

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You sat at the lunch table as the conversation took place. It was the same as everyday and you wanted nothing more than some change.

"Thats him!" Your friend Samantha piped up. Every head turned to the entrance of the cafeteria, including yours. Your eyes widened at the person in your line of vision. Short curly dark brown hair and just a hint of facial hair. This was the most exciting moment of junior year.

A new kid.

"Who is that?" You asked softly, speaking for the first time during the lunch period.

"New kid. He's a junior, and word has it, he was kicked out of his old school." Sam smiled.

"For what?" Your other friend Natasha asked.

"He pulled a knife on the principal." Sam whispered. Taking a closer look at the boy, he definitely looked like he didn't want to be at this school.

"What's his name?" Cody frowned.

"John or something. I'm not exactly sure." Sam replied. The boy sat at the table across from yours and pulled out a soda and bagel from his bag. His eyes met yours and his eyebrows raised slightly. You turned away, your heart beating a million miles a minute. The conversation at your table quickly changed to something else, but you weren't listening. You wanted to get to know this boy.

*Time Skip Brought to you by Pete telling stories from Van Days*

Your 8th period math class was quite possibly the smallest class in the school. Only 9 people were in the class, but now that number had risen to 10. New boy walked into the room looking bored, angry, and tired. He looked around and took the seat up front next to you.

"You're Joseph right?" The teacher asked. New boy, or should I say Joseph, nodded his head.

"Alright then. (Y/N), do you mind helping out Joseph for the first few days and help him catch up?" The teacher said turning to you.

"That'll be fine." You stuttered. You looked over at Joseph to see him already looking at you.

"(Y/N) is it? You can call me Joe." He said sticking out a hand.

"Okay." You replied hesitantly taking his hand.

Class went by with Joe asking a few questions here and there. He was confused due to the fact he was behind at his old school. When the dismissal bell rang, you started collecting your things.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" Joe asked. You turned to him, humming in response.

"Do you, um, mind helping me out with the homework for tonight?" He sighed a bit reluctantly. You gave a small smile and nodded.

"Sure. We can head to the library on the second floor." You said. You and Joe walked to the library, eyes following the two of you. You could only imagine the rumors that would have spread through the school by tomorrow. You and Joe set up at a table in the back of the library and you smiled at him.

"So, dividing radicals..."

*Time Skip brought to you by Rumor Has It by Adele as word spreads throughout the school about you and Joe*

It's been about a week since you and Joe started hanging out and you actually did enjoy his company. He may look hard and callous but he's actually hilarious, kind-hearted, and sweet. You were siting at the lunch table, once again drowning out the mundane conversation your friends were having, when you saw Joe enter, looking for a place to sit. His usual table was taken, but there was a seat next to you.

"Joseph!" You called out, waving your hand. Almost all conversation in the cafeteria stopped, aside from those who honestly didn't care. Joe gave a small smile and walked over to you. He sat down and looked at your shocked friends.

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