Andy Imagine: Let Me Pick Up The Pieces

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We are a generation of people who misuse and abuse the term "love". Love

Love can be defined as an intense feeling of deep affection, fondness, warmth, intimacy, attachment, or whatever you want to call it. To love is to care very much for, or think the world of, someone or something. Most of the time we forget this. We think that love is material or physical, but it's deeper than that!

The phrase "I love you" is thrown around much more carelessly than it should be and its a shame.


You sat outside, under the cork tree, as all your fellow classmates walked around enjoying their middle school lunch time.

"(Y/N)!" A voice called. You turned to see a boy in your 7th grade class running to you, Alex was his name.

"Hey Alex." You smiled politely.

"Are going to the dance on Friday?" Alex asked.

"Well, I didn't plan to."

"Go with me."

"W-what?" Alex chuckled and sat down next to you.

"Go to the dance with me. Ya know, if you want to." He explained. Your heart momentarily stopped as you looked into Alex's trusting eyes. You suddenly wanted to go and get to know him better.

"Alright sure." You agreed.

*End of Flashback*

Now, as a 10th grader, you have experienced your first ever heart break. You sat on the gym floor, crying until the tears shook your body. How could someone be so cruel. Alex had broken up with you in front of the whole school, even after you had begged him to not be so loud about it.

You really thought he was the one.

He fought with you about how you refused to have sex with him and how boring you were. Although those words stung, nothing could hurt more than when he said he had been cheating on you with Nancy, one of the most popular girls in school. He then proceeded to break up with you and you ran away.

The gym door opened, and light flooded into the dark room.

"Please leave." You sobbed.

"O-oh! I'm sorry. I-I didn't realize someone was in here." A soft voice said. You looked up to see Andy Hurley watching you with sadness in his eyes.

"What, never seen a girl cry before?" You snapped.

"I've never seen one cry over a jerk, no." Andy shot back. He sat next to you and you both stared straight ahead.

"I respect that your waiting by the way. Alex had no right to expose you like that." Andy commented.

"Well, boys will be boys." You chuckled humorlessly.

"He was being a dick, (Y/N)."

"He loved me."

"There was no possible way that he ever loved you, yet had the audacity to publicly humiliate you. Obviously, no one ever taught him how to treat a woman." You turned to Andy and sniffled, wiping your eyes.

"Oh really?" You asked.

"Really. You deserve better (Y/N), trust me." Andy said. You smiled slightly.

"I'm sorry for hogging the gym. Do what you want, I'm heading home." You sighed, standing up.

"If you don't mind watching as I shoot some baskets, I can drive you."

"You don't have to Andy."

"I want to." Andy smiled at you and you smiled back, agreeing to his terms. You sat on the bleachers and watched as Andy threw his basketball, surprised at how much he cares for you.

To be continued...

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