Patrick Imagine: Don't Make Me Choose

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You flopped onto your bed as soon as you came home, a smile of relief on your face.

Sleep is freaking awesome.

You shimmied out of your jeans and took off your bra, the highlight to every female's day. As you pulled your blanket over your body, the door opened.

"(Y/N), love of my life, I'm home!" Patrick sang. You groaned softly and buried your face deeper into your pillow. Patrick walked into the room and saw you laying on the bed.

"There's my beautiful girlfriend!" He cheered.

"Tricky, I'm sleepy." You mumbled.

"But...I'm here and awake and not sleepy." You raised your head weakly and squinted at Patrick.

"Don't make me chose between you and sleep, Trick. The results can be disastrous." You pleaded before dropping your head back on the pillow.

"Fine. We'll nap now together and then do fun things after!" Patrick smiled.

"If I feel like it." You scoffed, drifting off to sleep.

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