Pref #20: Training Wheels

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A/N: based on the song by Melanie Martinez.


I carry band-aids on me now
For when your soft hands hit the jagged ground

Patrick watched as you stormed away in a fit of anger. You had seen him talking with his ex and she was getting very touchy feely with him. The whole thing pretty much pissed you off and you laid into Patrick about it. Patrick, bless his soul, took your verbal abuse, because he saw you were scared. You'd never been in love with someone as much as you loved Patrick. It's a big deal. When you got a far enough distance you leaned against a tree trunk and closed your eyes. You felt calloused hands intertwine with your soft ones and immediately opened you eyes. Patrick stood in front of you, his beautiful eyes watching you carefully.

"Are you all cooled off now?" He asked softly. You opened your mouth to speak, but no words would come out.

"Shh, I know. It's fine." Patrick said, pulling you into his arms.

"It's not fine." You mumbled finding your voice.

"(Y/N) this is your first serious relationship. We can take it slow, no problem."

"You deserve better."

"I have what I deserve, you." You smiled and wrapped your arms around Patrick tightly, grateful to have him in your life.


Love everything you do
When you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do
Wanna ride my bike with you
Fully undressed,
No training wheels left for you
I'll pull them off for you

Joe was...hesitant in the relationship. You asked him out on a date first, you kissed him first, and you were the first to say I love you.

Joe still has yet to say it back.

You hold no ill feelings at this fact. Joe would declare his love for you when he was comfortable, it was just the way things worked. Only, you kind of wanted to hear those three words now.

You weren't completely out of home though. Joe was comfortable around you. He'd even make fun of those small insecurities you were comfortable sharing with him. He had to be at least a little bit invested.

You and Joe sat in the park just enjoying each other's company when you turned to him.

"You don't have to be scared anymore." You whispered. Joe looked at you in confusion.

"I'm sorry?" He frowned.

"I know that you have commitment issues and that's fine! I'm just saying...I'm not going anywhere unless you give me a reason to go or you want me gone. I'm in it for the long haul Trohman." You explained. Joe smiled slightly and took your hand in his.

"I promise, someday soon, I'll say it back. Everyday just being with you makes me feel bolder." He promised, kissing your hand. You smiled and nodded dopily.


Letting go, letting go
Telling you things you already know
I explode, I explode
Asking you where you want us to go

Ashlee left him and Meagan left him. Two relationships that he thought were going perfectly, suddenly ended. It was no wonder he was so messed up over it, and you understood that. But after a year and a half into the relationship, you were starting to get frustrated.

"(Y/N), please, please don't go. I don't want you to find someone better! They always find someone better!" Pete pleaded.

"Peter, I'm going grocery shopping! We have to eat, babe." You sighed, exasperated.

"What if you find someone better than me?"

"There's no one better Pete. I kept telling you this, but you're not listening."

"Please...I need you."

"Then say love!" You didn't mean to yell, but you couldn't take it anymore.

"What?" Pete frowned.

"It's been a year and a half since we started dating. I've never once heard you say I love you to me during this time. If you really need me, you'll say it! I'm not even sure what you want to do about us Pete." You explained. Patrick took your hand in his and pulled you into his arms.

"I want to be with you. I...I love you." He confessed, kissing your cheek. You smiled, tears forming in your eye.

"I love you too."


You've been riding two-wheelers all your life
It's not like I'm asking to be your wife

It's not like this was his first relationship. Andy has been in serious committed relationships with other females. It's not this fact that bothers you though. It's the fact that he can't commit to you. Andy never treats your relationship like an actual relationship. You can never get close. He keeps you at arms length and that's where you're doomed to stay. Or so he thinks.

Andy stood in the kitchen making lunch when you came and wrapped your arms around him.

"(Y/N)!" Andy jumped. He turned to see your concerned face.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"What's the deal Andy?"

"Excuse me?"

"You were able to commit to every other girl you were with don't even try with me. I'm not asking for the house, the ring, and the kids. I just...I want to feel like you actually are romantically invested in me!"

"(Y/N) know how I feel about you. You know it."

"Say it." Andy paused and looked away from you.

"I love you and I've always loved you all right. You just hold so much of me that I'm afraid that you can break me as fast as you made me." He explained. You frowned and placed a hand on his cheek.

"I can never break you." You whispered. Andy smiled and pressed his lips to yours softly.

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