Andy Imagine: Does Your Husband Know?

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A/N: Reader believes in God cuz that's just the trend of the era.

Andy Hurley brought his horse to an abrupt stop as he came to a sign.

Population: 250

He frowned at the small number, before pulling his horse in. The towns people were all working, some polishing the windows in the stores, others simply purchasing items to take home.

"Excuse me sir, do you know of any place around here where a floater, such as myself, might be permitted to rest?" Andy asked a man, standing behind a produce stand.

"The Johnson farm a bit down the way might take you in. Mr. Johnson just moved in with his wife. Nice quiet folks." The man replied. Andy gave a thankful nod and led his horse in the direction of the farm.

You stood in the front of the house, hanging out the laundry on the line, when you noticed a man and his horse, coming closer to you.

"Aaron! It seems as though you've got a visitor." You called to your husband. Aaron came out of the barn, slightly sweating from the heat of the day. A few buttons from the top of his shirt were left undone and his curly hair was falling into his eyes. By now, the man and his horse were standing in front of you and Aaron.

"What can I do for you, stranger?" Aaron asked.

"Well you see, I'm just passing through town for a while, and a man told me you and your wife might be willing to offer me shelter." The man said.

"Well, it'll be no problem at all as long as you can pull your weight around here."

"Of course sir."

"I'm Aaron Johnson, and this is here is my lovely wife, (Y/N) Johnson." You smiled and produced your hand for the man to shake.

"And you are?" You asked.

"Andrew Hurley, ma'am, but I go by Andy." Andy replied, taking your hand. A shiver ran down your back at the simple contact.

"(Y/N), I'll show Andy to the room in the barn. Could you bring him some sheets and get started on dinner?" Aaron said.

"Of course." You replied, walking into the house. You had to take a second to calm your beating heart. Ever since you were married off to Aaron 2 months ago, you felt yourself becoming tired. You didn't love him, although he was very nice and attractive. You had no say in the marriage, as you were married off for land. But this man Andy, you felt something with him, something you couldn't explain. Now with him staying with you, who knows what could happen.

The sun set, and Andy settled in perfectly. He walked into the main house for dinner and was instantly greeted by delicious scents.

"Dinner smells great." Andy commented. You smiled and turned to Andy, your (H/C) hair now visible and up in a bun as your bonnet was off.

"Thank you. It's just potato soup." You explained. Andy nodded and sat at the table.

"(Y/N), I'll be going out to the market tomorrow, Marie and Agnes just laid at least a dozen eggs." Aaron smiled, taking his seat at the head of the table.

"Sounds great dear." You replied, placing a bowl of soup down in front of both men.

"So Andy, what brings you into town?" Aaron asked.

"Just traveling. I'm just looking around and meeting new people." Andy answered.

"Sounds like fun." You said dreamily.

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