Joe Imagine: Ibuprofen

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The lights were low, the music loud, the atmosphere comfortable. You were attending your friend, Karol's, Sweet Sixteen and having a blast. You were dancing with another friend when someone bumped into you. You turned to see blue eyes and curly hair.

"Sorry." The boy said, smiling sheepishly.

"It's fine." You yelled back over the music. The boy nodded before walking back into the crowd of dancing bodies. Who is he?

*Later that Night*

You were waiting for you mom to come and pick you up from the party, when someone stood next to you.

"That party was awesome huh?" A voice asked. You turned and tilted you head up slightly.

Blue eyes and curly hair.

"Y-yeah. Pretty awesome." You stuttered.

"Never thought Karol had so much friends honestly." The boy snickered.

"How do you know Karol?"

"She's my cousin. You?"

"Close friend."

"Never knew Karol had such beautiful friends." You blushed and looked away from the boy, when a car horn honked. It was your mom.

"That's my ride. I-I gotta go." You smiled.

"Bye." The boy smiled back. When walking to your moms car, you heel got caught in a crack in the pavement and you went down, down in the earliest round possible, hitting your nose hard.

"Woah, you good?" The boy gasped.

"Oh fluff bunny, are you okay?" Your mom called. You heard foot steps coming towards you and you got up quickly.

"I-I'm fine!" You stuttered feeling a warm liquid drip from your nose. Blood.

"Your nose looks busted." The boy stated.

"I'm fine. Goodbye." You said abruptly, tears threatening to spill. You got in the passenger seat of the car, your mom looking at you.

"Fluff bunny, I think we need to get you checked out at the hospital." Your mom frowned. You sighed and let her drive off.

*The Next Day*

Your nose really was busted. You had to ice it when you slept and soon you'd need surgery to fix it. When you went to get an ibuprofen for the pain, you found there was none left.

"Mom, we need ibuprofen." You whined.

"Alright, we'll go to the store and pick it up." Your mom chuckled.

"Do I have to come?"

"If you want (favorite treat) after you do." You never ran to your moms car faster. She drove to the nearest Walgreens and you both entered the store.

"I need to get some things for your aunt so you find the ibuprofen." Your mom said. You nodded and walked to the back of the store to grab a bottle of medication. While you walked to the pain medication aisle, you heard a familiar voice.

"Ma'am, I can check in the back for the cat food, but I'm almost positive we're out. Our shipment has yet to arrive." The voice said. You gasped and peered around the current aisle you were in.

Blue eyes and curly hair!

He worked here?!? You did not want blue eyes to see you with your swollen, purple, bruised nose. You quite literally looked like you just returned from a bad day at fight club. Maybe if you could just cut through the other aisles you could grab the ibuprofen and leave. You sprinted over to the toy aisle which was adjacent to the pain medication. You were almost there. Taking a quick look around, you ran to the aisle. Unfortunately you bumped into someone. Just as you were about to fall back, arms wrapped themselves around your waist, holding you steady.

"You're really clumsy you know." Blue eyes smiled. You groaned, embarrassment coursing through your body.

"Sorry for running into you." You apologized.

"It's fine. Looks like you were heading for the pain meds, huh?"

"Yeah. I look like complete shit right now, but you should see the other guy." Joe laughed and loosened his grip around your waist.

"I bet that pavement didn't even see it coming." He smiled. You giggled softly. Blue eyes let go of you completely and handed you a bottle of ibuprofen.

"Here you go. That looks like it really hurts." He said apologetically.

"Understatement of the year, but I'm a fighter." You joked.

"Go get em champion." You and blue eyes laughed until a loud voice interrupted you.

"Joseph, I'm taking my lunch break! Man the register!" The voice said. Blue eyes, or Joe, looked back at you and shrugged.

"Duty calls." He sighed.

"Bye Joe." You said. Joe left and you let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding. That wasn't so bad.

"(Y/N), come on. I still gotta cook dinner." Your mom said, walking past the aisle. You filled with the bottle of ibuprofen held tightly. Your mom walked up to the register Joe stood behind and he smiled at the both of you.

"Hey, you're the boy from last night. The boy who was with my (Y/N)." Your mom pointed out.

"Good to see you again ma'am." Joe said checking out the items. Every chance he could get, you found him staring at you.

"Alright ma'am that'll be $25.86." Joe said. Your mom gave the money and took the bag of her items.

"Thank you." Your mom smiled.

"Have a nice day." Joe said looking at you. You blushed and left the store with your mom. When you were about to get in the car you saw Joe running towards you.

"Your mom forgot the receipt." He said handing it to you.

"Thanks Joseph." You smiled.

"No problem (Y/N)." He smiled back before running back into the store.

"What did the boy want?" Your mom asked.

"You forgot your receipt." You said handing your mom the receipt. She looked at it and smiled.

"This is definitely not for me." Your mom smirked. You frowned taking back the receipt. Down at the bottom, there was a message for you.

(Y/N)...beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Call me sometime? -Joe

He also included his number. You blushed again and looked back at your mom.

"Fluff bunny, that's so cute!" Your mom exclaimed.

"Mom let's just go home." You laughed, looking back at the receipt.

A/N: I'm such trash for Joe Trohman.

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