Patrick Imagine: Keep Biting That Lip...Pt.3

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You woke up 2 hours later feeling less hung over and ready to tackle your conversation with Patrick. You pulled on a black t-shirt from Patrick's drawer and your underwear from the night before. You walked to the living room where Patrick sat watching tv.

"Morning." You smiled. Patrick jumped and looked over at you in his shirt

"I um...breakfast." He stuttered pointing towards the kitchen. You looked and saw a plate of (favorite breakfast food).

"Thanks Trick!" You said cheerily, retrieving the breakfast. You took the plate back to the couch and snuggled in next to Patrick. He just looked in bewilderment. You head laid on his shoulder as your body curled into his side. Your feet were laid across the couch as you are quietly.

"What are we watching?" You asked nonchalantly.

"A-Animal Planet." Patrick barely choked out.

"I can deal with that." You shrugged. Sure enough, Patrick bit his lip due to his nerves and you caught him.

"What'd I say about biting that lip?" You teased.

"Why do you keep doing this?" Patrick blushed.

"You're cute when your flustered." You answered, giving Patrick a quick kiss on the lips.

"Why did you sleep with me last night. Is it because you were so drunk you didn't realize? Was I a pity screw, because you didn't have to." Patrick rambled. You shushed him with another quick kiss.

"Patrick, I slept with you because you're cute. You have this whole cuteness surrounding you. Also when you bite your lip, it's hella sexy." You explained. Patrick blushed and scratched behind his ear.

"What does this mean for us?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" You frowned while chewing on your food.

"Are we still friends or are we more than that?"

"Well, let's just say that I'd love to watch Netflix with you, go out for dinner with you, laugh with you, and kiss you." Patrick chuckled and looked at you with affection in his gaze.

"I guess that's 'more than friends' huh?" He smiled.

"You bet it is." You smiled back. Patrick wrapped an arm around you and you both went back to watching Animal Planet.

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