Pete Imagine: I Knew You...Once Upon A Time Pt. 3

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*2 Weeks Later*

Mr. Stark had finally had his party organized, which meant you finally had his party organized. The guest list was long and the alcohol was in large stock. You walked around wearing your party dress and making sure everything was going accordingly.

"(Y/N)! Have Fall Out Boy arrived yet?" Tony asked walking into the main party area

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"(Y/N)! Have Fall Out Boy arrived yet?" Tony asked walking into the main party area.

"Not yet Mr. Stark, but they're not due for another 10 minutes." You replied. Tony sighed and placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Tony. Call me Tony. Honestly (Y/N), it's not that hard. Listen, when Fall Out Boy get here help them set up and make them feel welcome. I've gotta go talk to my intern, Peter." Tony said. You nodded and watched him walk off before looking at your clipboard. There was still so much that could go wrong and it was your job to keep it from going wrong. You sighed before walking into a chest. A smooth voice chuckled. You looked to see Pete Wentz smiling at you.

"Why is it that every time we meet, you're always so distracted?" Pete asked. You giggled slightly before clearing your throat.

"Thank goodness you showed up Mr. Wentz. Mr. Stark was worried you wouldn't get here on time with the band. Where are they?" You asked.

"Setting up. We like to get our equipment in order ourselves."

"That's fine. So it's 6:30 now. Guests should start arriving at 7. You guys will play at 8:25."

"Wow, with all that planning did you get a chance to schedule in a dance for us?" You blushed, instantly becoming flustered.

"E-Excuse me?" You stuttered. Peter laughed and placed a hand on your bare shoulder.

"I'm just teasing ya Angel Eyes." He smiled. Your mouth dropped open instantly. After just meeting you for the second time ever, you've already acquired a nickname from the black haired bassist.

"Pete, sound check man, come on." One of Pete's bandmates with curly hair said.

"One second Joe." Pete called back. He then turned back to you.

"Hey, pencil in about 3 dances for us tonight. You can space them out or do them all at once. I'd like one slow song, one fast paced song, and just one dance where I get the excuse to be near you again, if that's alright with you." He smirked.

"I-I've gotta make a call." You stuttered before walking away. Once again, Pete chuckled and went to set up his instrument. You walked away unable to shake the butterflies from your stomach. Why were you so drawn to Pete? Why were you excited at the idea of three dances with him? Why do you know him?

Questions that even I, the author, cannot yet wrap my head around.

This was gonna be one hell of a party.

To be continued...

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