Patrick Imagine: Keep Biting That Lip...Pt.2

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Previously on Fall Out Boy Imagines 4...

"Keep biting that lip and I'll have to bite it for you." You sighed, before taking a shot of the drink in front of you. Patrick paused his actions, eyes wide in surprise. This didn't seem to phase you at all.

"E-Excuse me." He stuttered.

"You heard me Stump." You replied, a wicked smirk now adorning your face.

Patrick was gonna need a few more drinks if he was gonna be able to muster enough confidence for a comeback.

Now, on Fall Out Boy Imagines 4...

*12 Hours Later*

Patrick woke up, his head pounding from the countless drinks he took last night. As he turned to find his phone, Patrick became aware of the arm draped across his waist and the face in the pillow next to him.

"Shit." Patrick hissed. He tried to peek at the mysterious female in his bed, but didn't want to wake her. Patrick poked the girl softly and a familiar groan escaped from her mouth.

"(Y/N)!?" Patrick exclaimed, hurting his own head in the process. You groaned even louder as Patrick literally yelled in your ears.

"Ow you asswipe. Keep it down." You hissed. You turned away from Patrick and closed your eyes.

"Did we sleep together last night?" Patrick asked.

"If you mean did we share the same bed last night, then yes." You answered smartly.


"Yes Patrick. We did the deed. Can I sleep now."

"We have to talk about this."

"Not now sweetie. Little old me is as hungover as...I don't even know. Later okay." Patrick bit his lip and left the room. How was he supposed to really face you after this?

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