Andy Imagine: Just Looking Out For You Pt.3

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You stood in your bedroom watching Andy ice his swelling cheek.

"(Y/N), keep giving me that icy glare, and I won't need this ice pack anymore." Andy said sarcastically. You sighed and sat next to Andy.

"You can't keep fighting for me Andy." You mumbled. Andy looked at you and placed a hand over yours.

"I'm looking out for you (Y/N). I'll always be there for you." He promised. You smiled weakly before standing and walking over to your dressing table. You opened a jewelry box and pulled out a small plastic heart ring.

"Even when I look for love in the wrong guys you put up with me, and you let me pursue them. Why?" You asked.

"You're smart, but your heart has a tendency to cloud your judgement. You need to make mistakes to learn from them and grow (Y/N)." Andy replied. You put the ring back in the box and wiped your eyes.

"What if I don't want mistakes? What if I just wanna grow without mistakes?" You spat.

"Then are you really growing?" You didn't answer. Instead you turned to your window.

"Brendon isn't for me. He'll never commit to me." You stated.

"See, now you're growing." Andy smirked. You turned to finally face him and took the ice from his cheek.

"Why didn't you tell me you like me?" You asked. Andy froze as his cheeks went red.

" see...I-" You cut him off with a kiss to the lips.

"You should've told me sooner. I would've saved a lot of time if I'd just given you my heart in the first place." You smiled softly.

"S-Sorry." Andy stuttered. You giggled before kissing him again.

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