Joe Imagine: Get Used To It

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You were talking to your friend Natasha when you were interrupted.

"Hey beautiful." Joe smiled wrapping an arm around your waist. You giggled and turned to see your blue eyed boyfriend.

"Hey Joey." You blushed. He chuckled and kissed your cheek.

"Don't I have the cutest girlfriend ever?" Joe asked looking over at Natasha.

"Hit the jackpot with that one Trohman. Now, can I have my best friend back?" Natasha smirked. Joe groaned and pecked your lips quickly.

"Am I giving you a ride home after school?" Joe asked walking off.

"Yes please." You smiled gratefully. Joe gave a dazzling smile before disappearing around the corner.

"Wow, he's awfully touchy feely. Is he always like this?" Nat asked.

"What is this not normal?" You asked, worriedly. Joe was the first boyfriend you ever had. He was your first kiss and the first boy to ever reciprocate your attraction towards him.

"Well, some people are like that. Everyone's different (Y/N)." Nat assured you.

*After School*

You and Natasha walked over to Joe's car where he stood talking to Andy, Patrick, and Pete.

"...I'm totally gonna have the chords down by next week. It's gonna sound epic." Joe gushed, probably talking about his guitar. When he spotted you, his eyes stayed glued to your face.

"Hey. Ready to go?" Joe asked holding out his hand for you. You bashfully took it and waved at the guys with your other hand.

"Whenever you're ready." You replied. Joe kissed the back of your hand and looked back to the guys.

"See you guys later. See ya Nat." He saluted to his friends before letting go of your hand to get into the car.

"See ya guys. I'll call you later Natasha." You promised before running around to the passenger side.

"Looking good today Nat. Red and black suits you." Pete commented winking over at Natasha.

"Shut up Pete. I'm not sleeping with you." Nat said, her facial expression never changing from one of neutrality.

"One day you will." Pete promised. You and Joe pulled out of the school parking lot and you looked over at Joe.

"You're very affectionate. Why?" You asked.

"What do you mean?" Joe frowned, briefly looking over at you.

"I mean, you call me princess and baby girl and beautiful and all those cute things. Is that what a relationship is supposed to be like?" Joe pulled the car over and turned to you, an amused smile on his face.

"(Y/N), our relationship is our own for us to do as we please with it. There's no right or wrong in a relationship as long as the two people in the relationship consent to everything that's going on." Joe explained.

"Oh." You breathed out in understanding. Joe laughed and gently cupped your face.

"Do you consent to all the name calling, my beautiful, baby doll, Princess?" Joe teased.

"Yeah." You replied, Joe's face moving noticeably closer to you.

"And every time I come and wrap my arm around you in front of other people?"


"And all the kissing that we will inevitably do?"

"God, yes." And then Joe crashed his lips to yours. Yeah, you'd have no problem whatsoever getting used to this.

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