Pete Imagine: I Think You're My Best Friend

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*17 Years Earlier*

10 year old Pete was walking home from school when he heard a soft voice from behind him.

"Can you help me?" The voice called. Pete turned to see a little 7 year old girl with big (E/C) eyes and two ribbons in her hair.

"What's wrong? Pete frowned.

"I'm lost and can't get home." The girl explained. Pete looked around and took the girl's hand.

"Do you know your home address?" He asked. The girl nodded and allowed herself to be pulled by Pete.  Once at Pete's house, his mother was able to take the girl home after taking care of her. That's how Pete Wentz met you.

*17 Years Later*

Pete smiled as he watched you joke with Andy, Patrick, and Joe. The smile on your face was enough to brighten his whole day. Pete honestly and truly cared so deeply about you and it scared him. He never cared so much for another person. He was there when you got your first crush, your first boyfriend, your first date, and your fist heartbreak. He even gave you your first kiss. Pete has always been there and he wants to always be there.

"Pete! What would you choose?" You exclaimed, placing your hands on Pete's shoulders. Your eyes expressed an excitement that made Pete chuckle.

"I'm sorry what?" He asked.

"You could eat pizza everyday, but you'd have to have Taco Bell right after and gain so much weight, or you could have Taco Bell everyday, no pizza, and gain not a single pound." You giggled. Pete pretended to look thoughtful before tickling your sides.

"I'd gain so much weight. Pizza and Taco Bell are amazing." He smiled as you tried to escape from his arms.

"Dammit Peter! This is why we can't have nice things!" You laughed trying to escape his grasp.

"Sorry to interrupt OTP, but we're going to bring back food so we can all put in a food coma." Patrick smirked. He, Joe, and Andy left you and Pete alone. Pete held you so close now, but it wasn't like that wasn't normal. Pete was used to holding you close, but this time it felt different. He wanted to lower his head to your neck and just stay there planting soft kisses on the smooth skin. He wanted to be able to kiss you all the time.

"Pete, everything alright?" You asked softly.

"What am I to you?" Pete blurted out.

"You? You're my best friend. You're the one I can always count on when I need someone to count on." You answered. Pete nodded slowly.

"Pete what was that question about?" You frowned. Pete decided it was now or never and took a deep breath.

"I needed to know where we stand." He said before pulling your lips to his.

I think it's safe to say you and Pete were no longer only best friends anymore...

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