Patrick Imagine: Łøvë $¡¢k Pt. 2

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*2 Weeks Later*

Tour was winding down yet your feelings for Patrick seemed to grow with each passing day. Whenever Elisa was busy and Patrick had nothing to do, he'd come over and spend time with you. When ever he left, he always seemed to leave you blushing. Apparently, you were t so good at keeping your feelings lowkey.

You sat on the tour bus scrolling through tumblr on your phone when someone sat next to you. You turned to see Pete.

"Hey Petey Pie." You smiled.

"What are you doing (Y/N)?" He sighed.

"I'm not following."

"Elisa is his girlfriend and they actually really love each other. I don't wanna sound blunt, but you and Patrick and most likely never going to happen." You frowned and bit your lip.

"You said most likely, meaning there's still a chance for me." You said softly. Pete wrapped his arms around you tightly.

"Look (Y/N), you're a great girl. You're beautiful, smart, and kind. One day, someone very special is gonna realize that." He murmured into your ear.

"Thank you Pete." You whispered back.

*Later That Week*

The guys had a few days off and they were making the most of it. Andy was off to see his girlfriend, Joe had Marie and Ruby come see him, and Pete had the kids. Elisa decided she should go visit her family so that left Patrick and you without plans...or do you thought.

"Hey (Y/N), wanna come to this club with me? I just really feel like dancing." Patrick asked. You smiled and nodded excitedly.

"Sure. What time should I be ready for?" You replied.

"About 8." Patrick left and you immediately went to find an outfit for tonight.

*At The Club*

You stood by the bar in your beautiful navy blue dress just looking around.

Patrick had excused himself to the bathroom so you were waiting patiently for him to come back

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Patrick had excused himself to the bathroom so you were waiting patiently for him to come back. As you waited, some guy walked over to you.

"Looking a little lonely by the bar, sugar." He said over the pounding music.

"I'm waiting for someone." You replied.

"No harm in at least humoring me with a dance though, right?" You looked around and shrugged, taking the man's hand. He led you onto the dance floor and balanced his hands on your hips. Yours found their way on his wide shoulders. The man smiled down at you with his icy blue eyes.

"So, you come here often?" He said, lips brushing against your ear.

"Nope." You replied, shaking your head. The man laughed and shook his as well.

"Neither do I!" You danced with the man before spotting Patrick watching you over at the bar.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go." You apologized. The man just smiled slightly. He took your hand and led you outside, away from the sweaty bodies and loud music.

"Let me put my number in your phone. You're really beautiful and I'd like to see you again." The man said. You agreed and handed him your phone. When he was done, he handed your phone back and turned to leave.

"Wait, don't you want my number?" You giggled.

"I'm gonna give you the choice weather to call me or not. I might get tempted to text you as soon as I walk away anyway." The man chuckled. He left and you looked down at the contact name.


You were about to walk into the club when Patrick spun you around to face him.

"I don't like when you talk to other guys." He said before pressing his lips to yours. His breath was hinted with alcohol and you knew this was wrong. Anything that would happen wouldn't be right. Patrick's not all the way so we and he still has a girlfriend, but his lips did feel good on yours. Next thing you know, you're in a motel room with Patrick kissing your neck.

"I love you." Patrick murmured, zipping down your dress and you don't stop him...

*Next Morning*

You woke up to Patrick pushing you off of his chest.

"What the hell?" You groaned.

"We've got go." Patrick worried.

"The bus will still be there when we get back Trick. What's the rush?" You smiled, memories from last night flooding your brain.

"The rush is that I have dinner with Elisa's parents in a few hours." Patrick huffed, throwing on his shirt.

"You don't have to go to that. Just tell her it's over."

"Are you crazy? Why would I break up with her?"

"You made love to me last told me you love me."

"That was a mistake (Y/N). I'm actually planning on marrying Elisa. Today." Your whole body went numb and you felt sick. This was never about you. Patrick had always known Elisa was his endgame. You were just a background character in his life. You'd never have the starring role.

And you really thought he loved you.

To be continued...

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