Patrick Imagine: Łøvë $¡¢k

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A/N: Don't even ask why the title looks like that. I just thought it was cool tbh.

You felt dirty and you hated it. Patrick looked over at you as if you were the only girl in the room as he performed on stage. Elisa stood right next to you, mirroring the expression Patrick was giving to you. And you could only watch in disdain. Why couldn't he just leave her and then pursue you? Why did he have to want the two of you at the same time? When the concert was over, you smiled at the guys along with Elisa.

"You guys were great." You said sincerely.

"Thanks (Y/N)." Joe said slinging his arm around your neck. He was only older by 3 years, but he was your big brother. And you loved his bandmate.

"Patrick, you were amazing out there. I really felt your energy." Elisa gushed. Patrick smiled and kissed her cheek before his eyes found yours. He winked at you and you turned away abruptly. It was always like this.

Later that night, as you all tried to sleep on the bus, you found yourself awake in the living area of the bus. The tv was playing on mute, as not to wake anyone, and you drank a cup of warm tea. You hated sleeping on tour buses.

"Can't sleep?" A voice asked. You turned to see Patrick walking over to you. You were thankful for the dark hiding your blushing face.

"It's whatever." You shrugged.

"I have trouble sleeping after shows. Elisa thinks I have a problem, but I think it's just that after taste of energy still lingering in my body." Patrick said, sitting next to you.

"I get home sick. I miss my friends."

"Aren't we your friends?" That question really stopped you. So if he thought you were friends...why would he flirt with you all those times?

"I mean my female friends. You guys are great and all, but I need some girl time with my day ones." You explained.

"I see." Patrick nodded. All was silent in the room until he spoke up again.

"I like having you on tour." Patrick stated. You turned to find him already looking at you. He was looking at you in exactly the right way. The way you always dreamed someone would look at you. You wanted him so bad, but his girlfriend was asleep in the bunk area.

"Why didn't Elisa wake up with you?" You asked.

"She says she needs her beauty sleep." Patrick shrugged. You nodded and stood up.

"I should get to sleep too. Long day tomorrow." You chuckled nervously. Patrick grabbed your arm quickly.

"Please...stay with me a while." He pleaded. You stood there watching this beautiful, taken man beg you to stay with him. You cursed yourself internally as you made your decision. You only hoped Elisa could forgive you if anything happened. Only God knows how much longer you could keep your hands to yourself...

To be continued...

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