Joe Imagine: I Can't Wait Forever

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It's been 10 years. 10 of the best years you ever had but still 10 years.

Why hadn't Joe proposed yet?

It didn't bother you as much as your family who have been waiting for a marriage since you introduced them to Joe. You already considered yourself as a wife to Joe anyway. You both lived together, you took turns doing chores around the house, and you woke up next to him everyday.

So why can't you help but want more?

You took Joe's laundry out from the dryer and started to fold it mindlessly. The apartment was always quiet when Joe wasn't here. Your dog, Dinosaur, was always less active when Joe was away and you stayed in the house alone. Your mind slowly started wondering towards the idea of tiny footsteps all around the house. The sound of giggling. Two simple words, "mama, dada". You blinked harshly, trying to bring yourself back to reality.

"(Y/N), I'm home!" Joe called.

"In the laundry room." You replied. You heard Joe's footsteps as they made their way to you.

"Hey beautiful. How was your day?" Joe asked. You wanted to voice your thoughts, but what if you sounded ungrateful or like your asking for too much?

"Great." You answered simply. Joe frowned, noticing a slight rift in your attitude.

"Everything alright? You seem different." Joe said softly. You shrugged your shoulders and looked back down at the warm laundry.

"Guess I'm a bit tired." You deflected. Joe tilted your chin up so you were looking into those beautiful blue eyes.

"(Y/N), I've been with you for 10 years. I'd like to think I know you by now." Joe smirked. You bit your lip and placed your hand over Joe's.

"I can't wait forever." You mumbled.

"What does that mean?"

"I want to get married Joe and I want kids. We're not getting any younger ya know. And...we've been together for 10 years. You've never once brought up marriage. I mean, it's okay if you don't wanna get married, I'll take you either way. I just...I wanna know." You confessed. Joe smiled and pulled a ring out of his pocket.

"My mom gave this to me after we were together for 2 years. She liked you and so did I. I just never saw the perfect opportunity to ask." He explained.

"Any time was the perfect time." You giggled. Joe chuckled and got down on one knee.

"Marry me (Y/N) (L/N). Marry me and I promise, I'll give you as much kids as you want." He promised. You laughed again and nodded, unable for formulate words. Joe pulled you into his arms, the one place you always wanted to be.

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