Patrick Imagine: Lost In Chicago

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You had been head over heels in love with Patrick ever since you first saw him. His eyes are to die for, his chubbiness is so adorable, and his height is so cute !

"(Y/N), do you mind reaching my fedora. I threw it on top of the dresser, aka the worst idea I've ever had." Patrick sighed. You walked into the room and grabbed the fedora effortlessly.

"You're so cute." You giggled, kissing him.

"Whatever. I gotta get to the studio. I love you." Patrick chuckled against your lips. He kissed you one more time, hand lingering on your stomach before leaving. You smiled watching him leave, remembering when you first met.


"Seb, we're lost. Why did I let you convince me that you "know Chicago like the back of my hand"?" You mocking Sebastian.

"We're not lost. See! A pizza shop. We're saved." Sebastian joked, shoving you lightly. You and Sebastian walked into the pizza place and each got a slice.

"So, when are you leaving for filming?" You asked.

"2 weeks from today. I'm gonna miss this. Who else am I gonna get lost in new cities?" Seb teased.

"Whatever man. You suck anyway."

"And you swallow."

"True story." You and Sebastian shared a laugh before you saw eyes watching you. Blue eyes caught yours and they looked away quickly. You blushed and it did not go unnoticed by Sebastian, who was watching with a smile.

"I saw that so don't try to hide it! You were totally making googly eyes at someone. Where?" Sebastian whispered excitedly.

"Shut up Seb. It's that guy in the booth across the room. The one sitting with that guy. It's probably his boyfriend. They look cute together." You frowned.

"I got this. Just make sure I'm the godfather of your future child." Sebastian winked, getting out of the booth.

"Sebastian Stan, no!" You whispered fiercely. Sebastian just kept walking over to the table. Now you didn't personally hear this part, but Patrick described everything in perfect detail.

Patrick's POV

I quickly looked away from the girl and back to my pizza, but Pete noticed.

"Patrick Stump blushing? Where's the pretty girl dude?" Pete smiled.

"She's in the booth across the room. Sitting with that guy. Probably her boyfriend." I sighed.

"Uh...Trick, did you do something to piss off the girl's boyfriend?"

"No, why?"

"Because he's coming over here right now." When I looked up to see the 6'0" guy towering over me, I nearly shit myself.

"H-Hi." I stuttered.

"Hey, I just wanted to say you and your boyfriend look really cute. My friend and I noticed and wanted to tell you." The guy smiled.

"Your friend?"

"Yeah. Girl in the booth over there (Y/N). She's my single, best friend." Pete suddenly spoke up.

"Wait, you guys thought we were gay?" He asked. The guy just shrugged.

"You two looked cute together." He replied. The guy then looked back at me and smiled, outstretching a hand.

"I'm Sebastian. You guys wanna come eat with us in our booth?" He asked. I looked over at Pete and silently begged for him to agree.

"Sure." Pete smiled. We all moved to the booth where the beautiful girl, (Y/N), sat.

"I made friends! And guess what, they're not gay!" Sebastian announced to (Y/N). She smiled and looked over at Pete and I.

"I'm Pete." Pete said simply.

"A-and I'm Patrick." I stuttered nervously.

"Great to meet you; both of you." (Y/N) said sincerely, her eyes never leaving mine.

*End Of Flashback*

You sighed and pulled out your phone dialing a number.

"Go for Stan." The familiar voice replied.

"Hey Seb. I just called to thank you." You smiled.

"What'd I do?"

"You're the reason me and Patrick are together. I realized I never thanked you."

"If I recall, I'm supposed to be the godfather to your first born."

"And you will. How's a 6 months notice for you?"

"No, you're not!"

"Yeah I am. Found out about 2 weeks ago. Patrick and I went to an appointment yesterday and ya know, I just...I wouldn't be here without you."

"I'm hanging up now. If Evans or Mackie catch me crying, I'll never hear the end of it."

"Bye Seb."

"Bye mommy-to-be!" Sebastian hung up the phone and you placed a hand on your stomach. Getting lost in Chicago was the best thing to ever happen to you.

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