Pete Imagine: This Is What Dreams Are Made Of

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Pete watched as you walked into the English room. You were smiling and laughing with your friend as you took your seat in the middle of the room. Pete sat in the back doodling and writing lyrics in his notebook. He loved English for two reasons; one, he liked to write and two, he liked seeing you. None of his friends were in that class so he was happy seeing you.

"Hey Wentz, got some eyeliner I can use?" Some guy laughed, poking at Pete.

"Nah man, I left it at your moms house. Just ask her for it." Pete shot back, looking back to the front of the room as the teacher walked in.

"Okay, today we're gonna be working in groups and talking about poetry. Please pair up now." She smiled. Pete watched as everyone got with their friends and once again he was left alone. Pete looked down at his notebook and went back to writing poems.

"Hey Pete." A soft voice said, catching his attention. Pete looked up to see you wearing a Led Zeppelin t-shirt and blue jeans.

"H-Hey (Y/N)." Pete stuttered.

"Mind if I work with you?" You asked hopefully.

"No, not at all!" You smiled and dragged a desk next to Pete.

"So, I wrote these last week in class if you wanna read them." You said, sliding a piece of paper to Pete. He read over the sweet poems mostly following the life of a girl who takes time to notice things other people wouldn't.

"Well, this is one of my favorite poems that I've written." Pete stated, showing you the page in his notebook.

Keep quiet,
Nothing comes as easy as you.
Can I lay in your bed all day?
I'll be your best kept secret
And your biggest mistake.
The hand behind this pen relives a failure every day.

"This sounds great Pete." You smiled.

"Thanks." Pete blushed.

"What's this one?"

Trade Baby Blues, for Wide-Eyed Browns
I sleep with your old shirts
And walk through this house in your shoes
I know it's strange
It's a strange way of saying that I know I'm supposed to love you
I'm supposed to love you

"Sounds like you've written these for someone." You said softly.

"It's just whatever comes to my mind." Pete shrugged, taking back the book.

"Well, either way, your writing is very good."

"Thank you." The bell ending class rang and you stood up first.

"I'll see you around Pete." You smiled walking out with your friend. Pete just watched you as his heart pounded against his ribcage.

To be continued...

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