Andy Imagine: Why The Hell Am I Blushing?

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You don't do feelings. At least not anymore. As a 15 year old girl, you have surprisingly been able to keep your feelings at bay. I mean, in middle school you were an emotional mess, but that doesn't count. Middle school just doesn't count on a whole. You did like boys, but you never really went full out liking them. You could just never see yourself with boys in your school. Sebastian Stan, now that's someone you could definitely see yourself with...but it wasn't exactly legal. So you were stuck with yourself, even though it wasn't that bad.

And then you became aquatinted with Andy Hurley.

Andy was a grade above you, but you knew him around. His glow was super crazy, like, really crazy. It sort of surprised you when you found out that he knew you.

"(Y/N)! Wait up!" Andy called as you tried to walk downstairs to wait for your bus.

"Hi." You said for a lack of words.

"You know Patrick Stump, right? He's in your grade." Andy asked. You knew Patrick fairly well. He was a shy quiet boy in most of your classes. He was always so polite.

"Yeah, I know Patrick." You nodded.

"Great. Patrick is a bit nervous to ask, but do you think you could help tutor him in chemistry? I hear your pretty good at that."


"Awesome. He'll find you at lunch tomorrow." Andy left and you shrugged. Weird encounter.

But it didn't stop there.

Over the next few months, you got closer to Patrick, Andy, and their friends Pete and Joe. Andy was so funny and smooth and he had the cutest laugh ever. You felt yourself developing a crush on Andy, but knowing you, it'd be gone within the next month and a half.

You stood by the school door, waiting for the bus to pull up, when Andy walked up behind you.

"Hey, What'cha doing?" He asked.

"Waiting for the bus." You answered lamely.

"I'll wait with you." Andy leaned on the wall next to you, watching you intensely. Your cheeks started to feel warm and you instinctively raised a hand to them.

"I think I'm getting sick." You murmured.

"What was that?" Andy hummed.

"I think I'm getting sick. I feel warm."

"Let me feel." Andy placed a hand on your forehead and you felt yourself becoming warmer. What the hell, it was getting really hot in here.

"You are feeling a little warm, but it's nothing to worry about." Andy deduced, kissing your forehead lightly. You bit your lip and turned at the sound of the bus.

"I-I gotta go." You stuttered. Andy smiled and waved you off. You ran onto the bus, desperate to be away from him.

Why were you blushing? You don't blush!

To be continued...

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