Pete Imagine: This Is What Dreams Are Made Of Pt. 2

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You walked out of school, finally free from the prison, when you spotted Pete out of the corner of your eye. He was sitting in his car fiddling with his car radiø. Something compelled you to just walk over to him.

"Hey there." You smiled.

"(Y/N)! You kinda scared me in I'm gonna be honest." Pete chuckled.

"I saw you and just come to say hi and see you later."

"Hey! You want a ride or something?"

"Um...sure." You got into Pete's passenger seat and buckled up as he pulled out of the school yard.

"You live like 10 minutes away, right." Pete asked.

"Yup." You replied. The car ride was quiet until a song you liked came on.

"First Date by Blink 182! That's is one of my favorite songs!" You gasped.

"Hey, mine too." Pete chuckled. You and Pete started singing the lyrics until you arrived at your house.

"Thanks for the ride Pete. I'll see you around." You thanked him, unbuckling your seatbelt. The gears were turning in Pete's head as he contemplated in saying something or just letting his moment go by.

"How's Friday sound?" Pete blurted out as you were about to close the car door.

"Friday?" You asked in confusion.

"You said you would see me around. How about seeing me on Friday. We can see a movie, get something to eat, and then I'll bring you home."

"Pete, are you asking me out?"

"...yes." You smiled and pressed your lips to Pete's quickly.

"Friday it is." You giggled doing into your house.

Pete felt like he was floating as this obviously had to be a dream.

He was going on a date with you on Friday.

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