Andy Imagine: Puppy?

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You and Andy stood in the kitchen while Fabian watched cartoons and Winona was down for her nap.

"So what should we get Fabes for his birthday?" You asked.

"He's been talking about getting a puppy for a while." Andy suggested.

"But is this family ready for a puppy? Winona just turned 3 and she's scared of a lot of things. She cried when a bird landed on a tree 5 feet away from her."

"But that fear is temporary. She just needs to establish a good relationship with animals."

"...Alright. Tomorrow, first thing, go and get the nicest, cutest dog you can find." Andy nodded and kissed your cheek.

*Next Day*

"Happy birthday Fabian!" You cheered, waking up your, now 15, year old son.

"Happy birfday, brother." Winona smiled, mispronouncing birthday.

"Thanks you guys. Where's dad?" Fabian asked.

"He's about getting your present." You replied. You went downstairs with Winona to make breakfast. Winona sat in her high chair, looking at you in wonder.

"Honey, I'm home!" Andy called.

"Daddy!" Winona gasped, kicking her feet in excitement.

"Where's my fifteen year old?" Andy asked.

"Right here." Fabian smiled walking down the stairs. He wore a black t-shirt and blue jeans. Andy pulled him into a hug.

"It seems like just yesterday your mom was flipping out on me, because I took you with me to band practice." He recollected.

"Fabian was young and his ears were sensitive." You defended, picking up Winona.

"So dad, where's my present?" Fabian asked.

"Backyard." Andy smiled. You all walked outside and your jaw dropped in surprise.

"Andy, what the hell?" You gasped.

"Dad, is this our dog?" Fabian smiled in glee.

"Yup, his name is Steve." Andy grinned. Fabian ran over to the huge, 80 pound golden retriever.

"I thought you were getting a puppy!" You scolded.

"But he's only three." Andy frowned.

"That dog is scary mommy." Winona sniffled. Tears were welling up in her brown eyes as she batted her long eyelashes.

"Aw Win, Steve isn't scary. He's a nice dog. That's why I named him after Captain America." Andy said, taking Winona from your arms.

"You wanna pet him? I promise he won't bite." Andy asked. Winona nodded nervously and allowed Andy to carry her over to the dog.

"Steve, this is Winona." Andy said. Winona tentatively reached out a hand and pet Steve's head. Her face lit up when he didn't bark or try to bite her.

"He's a good boy, daddy." Winona giggled.

"Yes he is." Andy laughed along with his daughter. You just watched from the side and slowly made your way over to Steve.

"Hey Steve. I'm (Y/N) and I expected you to be a puppy. Regardless, I think you're gonna fit in here." You smiled. Steve barked and licked your hand. Yeah, he's a good boy.

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