Patrick Imagine: Choose Me Instead

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A/N: Got this idea when listening to Instead by Ryan Amador. Listen to the song while reading this for maximum feels.

Go, be yourself
On your way
And don't ever look back to check if I'm okay
And don't ever be sad that you chose him instead
Cuz I don't want regrets
And I'd rather be rid of it

"Hey Patrick." You smiled.

That smile.

The smile that could light up rooms and end wars.

"Hey (Y/N)." Patrick smiled back. He stood awkwardly at the vending machine, completely forgetting that it ate his dollar.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." You continued.

"Yeah. Crazy, right?" Patrick chuckled lightly. He rubbed the back of his neck.

Why couldn't things go back to the way they were?

"Are you coming to the game tonight?" You asked, changing the subject. Patrick's face dropped into a frown.

"Oh, I don't know." He stuttered.

"Stump! You're not coming to the game? Come on, where's your school spirit, man?" An obnoxiously smooth voice asked. Your boyfriend and school quarterback, James "Bucky" Barnes, had arrived, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.

"I just don't know if I'll make it." Patrick said, quickly feeling uncomfortable.

"He'll make it if he makes it Buck. It's no big deal." You sighed. You flashed Patrick an apologetic look. Bucky was sweet and all when he wanted to be, but other times he could be obnoxious.

"I hope I'll see you there Patrick." You mumbled before leaving with Bucky.

The guy Patrick lost you to.

And when you want someone who'll care
Who will know how you feel when you don't wanna share
Who will show you support when you've lost your meaning
Just remember this time when you chose not to be with me


Patrick was walking to the school parking lot, after a full 8 hours of mental abuse, when he heard a sound of soft sniffling.

"Hello? Is someone there?" Patrick asked. He saw you crying behind the school and his heart broke.

"(Y/N)...what's going on?" Patrick frowned, moving next to you. You sighed and rubbed the tears from your eyes.

"Oh it's nothing. It's just stupid Trick." You deflected.

"Is it James?" The tears fell from your eyes again, silently answering Patrick's question.

"He's a good guy. He's just real friendly, ya know? Sometimes he doesn't even realize how friendly he is. All the girls throw themselves at him and he just doesn't realize it. It makes me feel...less." You sobbed. Patrick wrapped you into his welcoming arms and let you cry.

"You'll never be less, (Y/N). You're everything anyone could need and more." He promised.

How could you stay with a guy who makes you feel like this?

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