Good Intentions

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Trigger warning; some of the words and imagery in this one shot may cause you to be triggered. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

I've seen a lot of things in life that words can't explain,

Peter watched his Uncle Ben die right in front of him, unable to do anything to save him. He couldn't talk to anyone about it, not even his Aunt May when she was alive; knowing that people would hate him.

See we ain't any different, but we just ain't the same,

Peter knew at this point him and Mr. Stark were both without a family, but Peter was poor and Mr. Stark was a genius, multi-billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.

They never listen when we tell 'em, tell 'em. All they understand is venom, venom,

He's tried to talk to Happy when he comes to pick Peter up from school, but he just puts up the visor between the driver and passenger, causing Peter to sigh and just stare out the window, depressed. He tries to talk to Ned, but he just wants to talk about the avengers and spider-man. When he tries to talk to Mr. Stark- Tony- as he keeps getting corrected to call him, he keeps his problems to himself, afraid that he'll just be a burden.

That's how he always feels when trying to tell someone how he really feels. Bucky, Steve, Wanda, and Natasha have tried to talk to him and find out what's wrong with him as the baby spider hasn't been acting right the past few weeks.

They only use you when you let 'em, let 'em. Well if that's the case, then I'm the one to blame,

He's been afraid that they only think he's using them, so he coils inside himself each night after patrol, tears rolling down his face in his now empty apartment. Even when May's funeral came up, he's the only one who went to say goodbye.

No one knew the pain the baby spider has been masking. Old and new scars litter his arms, and his ribs show through, causing him to wear big, baggy long sleeved sweaters. He couldn't bare being an even bigger burden than he already felt he was being.

Cause there's a man overboard, and the tide's gonna drag him down

He was slowly drowning, and never realized the avenger's faces when he entered the room. Flash's bullying has increased and even though Peter knew he could beat the fuck out of the bully, he didn't dare fight back, for the fear of accidentally killing him. He felt he deserved the pain and words being said against him.

There's no point of fighting against the truth that is finally being spoken. Even when Peter went out on patrol, he barely talked to Karen. He did however convince Karen one night not to tell Tony when he got hurt, in fear of getting his suit taken away. The AI had asked him if she should call Tony when his heart rate would pick up and he didn't want to bother Mr. Stark more than he already does.

If there's a man in the clouds, then tell me where the hell is he now?

On his patrols he would sit there looking up at the sky and trying to stop tears that threaten to fall.

"I don't deserve to cry. I'm the reason they're gone." Peter whispered to himself.

"Are you okay Peter?" The AI Karen asked, with as much concern as a computer can have.

Why is the silence so loud? Have I thrown it all away?

He remained silent and Karen took that as a sign to secretly contact Tony, though she knows she promised Peter she wouldn't. Tony was currently working in his lab, working on a new update in secret for Peter's suit.

He had noticed his kids silence for a while and was concerned, but knowing his kid, he would hold it in and wouldn't say anything unless he was forced to. When his music was interrupted he grunted in annoyance, thinking it was something stupid like Clint asking him a question as usual.

"Boss, I have intel from Karen that Mr. Parker isn't doing so well." Friday announced and Tony's eyebrows furrowed in worry. Tony decided to contact May to see if she knows what happened to his son.

"Fri, call May Parker." He said sternly, wiping the oil off his hands on a towel.

Let me know, let me know. Tell me is this what happens just for having a good intention, -tension. Look what happened to my good intention,

"Sir, it appears Ms. Parker died a month ago. Her funeral was last Monday." Tony was shocked.

"Oh kid, why didn't you tell me?" He asked himself looking up at the ceiling.

To be continued..

Okay so that is the first part of this One-shot! Listen to the song above, it goes with this One-shot. This will honestly probably gonna be a three part One-shot.

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