Arrested.. On The First Date?!!!

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"Who's idea was it to free all the lobsters from Red Lobster?" Tony asked, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. Peter looked at Wanda and she raised both eyebrows, causing him to sigh.

"Me..." Peter muttered and his dad looked at him shocked.

"Peter? Why would you do such a thing?" He asked and Peter looked down at the ground, scuffing his shoe in the dirt outside the police station.

"Because dad! They were miserable just looking at me while I ate! So I convince Wanda to help me set them free and we succeeded, before getting caught... I just wanted the lobsters to be happy.." He explained, tears welling in his eyes and Tony turned to Wanda who shrugged.

"All I heard was "I swear it'll be funny..." and then we were in jail." She frowned looking at Peter who was silently crying, upset about getting in trouble.

"Please, don't take away my suit again!" Peter panicked and Tony sighed.

"I'm not going to take away your suit again, kid. Besides this was a pretty funny situation." Tony chuckled and hugged his son. When he pulled back, he narrowed his eyes, looking between Peter and Wanda. "What were you two doing at Red Lobster anyway?" He raised an eyebrow while both teens blushed, avoiding eye contact.


"Together?Alone?" Tony asked, amused by how awkward the teens looked in front of him. Peter knew he was going to find out sooner or later, so he sighed and started to confess.

"We were on a date dad. Wanda and I have been dating for quite some time and finally decided to go on a date." Peter responded and Tony chuckled.

"You set free lobsters on your first date and got arrested?" He laughed and Wanda smiled.

"Still the best date I've ever had." She winked at Peter and he blushed, smiling back.

"Man, wait till everyone hears about this." 

                                                           Word Count: 319

Really short, but funny and cute one shot of Panda (Wanda and Peter's ship that I'm calling them cause Pandas are adorable and I love them. Fight me). 

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